Quote Originally Posted by TenTigers View Post
Yes and no
The actual credit for re-organizing and developing the Pillar Sets should go to Wong Fei-Hung.. Yes, LSW re-organized and added his own refinements, hence it would be called, "development."
No, as the Pillar sets existed before LSW, and there are other people who trained under Wong Fei-Hung, such as Tang Fong, who practice the pillar sets as well, albeit differently than the LSW versions.
One of my teachers, studied a non-LSW lineage, and they do the pillar sets.
Deng family also does the pillar sets-also non LSW.

Please be more careful when making blanket statements.
Tang Fong studied with LSW and others not purely WHF only. Deng family did not do pillar sets originally. Do not know of your teacher would be interesting to see the line, if you do not mind?
Actually the earlier and latter sessions of hung kuen even from LSW have differences.....