and the getaway vehicles were bikes...
19 September 2011 Last updated at 11:30 ET
Post Office theft
McLean and Brown's DNA was found at the scene Two thieves have admitted holding up a post office in West Lothian with a samurai sword, after their DNA was found at the scene.

Francis McLean, 50, and Valene Brown, 21, raided Knightsridge Post Office in Cameron Way, Livingston, in May.

Worker Aiden Gilani, 25, was threatened with a large samurai sword but got hold of the weapon and used it to chase the pair out of the shop.

They now face jail when they return to the High Court in Edinburgh next month.

McLean and Brown fled on their bikes but their DNA was discovered on items left at the scene and they were caught.

The pair admitted assault and robbery at the High Court in Glasgow.

Pair injured

McLean, from Livingston, was armed with a 20-inch sword and ordered Mr Gilani to lie on the ground.

McLean then passed bank notes from the safe to Brown before Mr Gilani began to struggle with them.

He managed to grab hold of the sword and hit out at the robbers forcing them to drop the majority of the cash.

Mr Gilani got them out of the shop and the pair rode off on their bikes.

The post office worker did not need a doctor but both McLean and Brown were injured.

The court heard £16,270 had been taken from the safe but £14,000 was dropped by the robbers at the post office.

McLean's DNA was found on a hat left at the scene as well as the sword.

Brown's bike was also found nearby.

Judge Lord Hardie remanded them in custody and deferred sentencing until 17 October at the High Court in Edinburgh.