To those who are interested - on 9 Aug 2011 an eBook entitled The Ip Man Question : Kicks, power & strategies in the martial art of Wing Chun will be released.

As an introduction let me say that whilst it is common knowledge that Grandmaster Ip Man was well known for his ability to use kicks there is not a whole lot of information out there on this. In my previous study and teaching of Wing Chun I have to say that I did not know as much as I thought I knew on this subject.

Then 12 years ago I got to know of a lineage that emphasized this core skill of GM Ip and had the opportunity to learn, research and do some practice. A lunar cycle on I have left the practice of Wing Chun but following the advice of one of my teachers not to let what I know go to waste I have written this eBook for those who are interested in knowing more about the aspect of Wing Chun as :-

a) ......... a combative art that emphasizes kicks rather than hand striking as finishing technique

b) ......... a long range striking art within close range combat rather than short range art within close range combat

c) ......... a soft style of combative art that uses a few defined strategies within the context of long range striking and kicking to handle opponents possessing 5 types of generic characteristics

In addition, the eBook also covers .........

a) .......... the use of a path of neutralization to effortlessly lead opponent's force into empty space to unbalance and overcome him

b) .......... the principles of how to kick without telegraphing. Whilst learning how to punch without telegraphing is quite common in any Wing Chun class, until I came to know this lineage I had never learned how to kick without telegraphing. If you are not sure what I am talking about all you have to do is to check your posture in the mirror when you are doing the kicking movements in Chum Kiu and note whether you have to shift your weight again after pivoting in order to kick or you can kick after you pivot without telegraphing your intention to kick by having to shift your weight again

c) .......... how understanding the plum blossom footwork pattern can enliven your footwork

d) .......... how the use of waist can allow you to generate power that can penetrate, bounce and rattle a wooden dummy hard

e) .......... the overall view of how a cohesive series of principles come together to become an art that uses long range striking and kicks rather than just short range strikes that Wing Chun is typically known for

On the days leading up to its release a series of 9 posts on The Ip Man Question will be put up. A number of posts have already been put up and is still ongoing.

Post No. 1 - http://singaporetaijiquan.wordpress....ntdown-begins/

Post No. 2 - http://singaporetaijiquan.wordpress....he-manuscript/

Post No. 3 -

Post No. 4 - http://singaporetaijiquan.wordpress....cidental-fame/

Post No. 5 - http://singaporetaijiquan.wordpress....on-an-anomaly/

Post No. 6 -

Post No. 7 - posting date 6 Aug 2011

Post No. 8 - posting date 7 Aug 2011

Post No. 9 - posting date 8 Aug 2011

eBook Release - 9 Aug 2011

The Ip Man Question is available from or by sending email to