Everything I have seen on rape self defense is garbage. The reason why it is garbage is that self defense instructors hang out in churches and watch Chuck Norris on the televangelist channels instead of talking to real gangsters.

They always say to hit the groin and the eyes...good one...dudes who have been fighting their whole lives never thought of that. They have to understand rape tactics before they can counter them.

Some OG cholos taught me how to pimp rich white girls and how to rape. I've never used these skills, but I learned them and now I teach them to my female students so they know what is really up. I don't teach techniques after that because if you really know how to rape easily you know how to stop it. Its not a knee to the balls or an eye gouge or punching him in the throat. That will only get you knocked out and passed around and left to brain hemorrhage in some park.

I will cover some rape myths first and then write some tips on how to realistically avoid it. Because pimping is a crime that is very hard to prove I if you mess up, you lose a girl. Rape on the other hand will land you in prison so fewer people mess around with it. Criminals already know this, and those who need it have no clue.

if you want I'll share the techniques and we can discuss how to counter them. They are mainly psychological techniques. No running or chasing or ripping off clothes. That is exciting in movies and gets people thinking of hunting, but its not how real gangsters get down.