Ask yourself why you are doing martial arts.

When I started out it was for self-defense.

Then I became more interested in combat sports and competition.

Now I just want to compete at an amateur level while young.

The rest my life will be toward the preservation and evolution of Buk Sing CLF and hopefully, the entirety of Chinese martial arts.

I'm a very proud person and this is my heritage. I see the state of CMA and it makes me sad and while I won't ever teach professionally, this is literally "a part of my life." It's just as important to me as any other education.

Through fighting you realize that becoming "the best" is such a silly statement. Even if you have every physical gift in the world one day old age will get the best of you. And then the young hungry lions will still murder you.

But this for me is beyond learning combat science. This is about saving whatever face TCMA has left, as much as I can do. It's probably not much but seems that most people don't really care.

No offense but if you are not Chinese then you shouldn't feel any obligation to do anything great for "TCMA." If you do, for example Brenden Tunks is someone I have a lot of respect for, because he is really keeping the spirit of TCMA alive and also evolving it further. He is not Chinese yet he is keeping our face and turning this sordid state around, little by little. For me is beyond what most people care for. For me it's national pride, history, and culture.