Not using them as a striking tool, but rather I have another question.

I have heard several people complain about knee problems from Kung Fu practice.

I myself have been a practitioner of Traditional Chinese martial arts, particularly Sil Lum Kung Fu for the better part of 2 decades and I cna honestly say, I've never experienced an issue with my knees.

North Shaolin or Southern, I simply have not encountered a knee problem.

In some of your opinions, what is it that is going wrong? Is teh student genetically inferior? Is the student doing something wrong? Is the teacher teaching something wrong?

What's up with the bad knees? I don't understand because it's never even mildly happened to me.

I pulled my back doing a grueling CNY Lion Dance march once, but that's it outside of bumps and scrapes lumps and bruises from mix ups etc.

so, why? anyone have any ideas what could be happening here?