Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
We can look at MA as:

1. kick - front kick, side kick, roundhouse kick, hook kick, ...
2. punch - jab, cross, hook, hammer fist, ...
3. lock - wrist lock, elbow lock, shoulder lock, head lock, ...
4. throw - hip throw, leg twist, leg break, leg lift, ...
5. ground skill - arm bar, leg bar, side mount, 69 mount, ...
You're right, you can look at MA that way. Personally I view the current trend of competitive sport fighting that way! And I have to also add that everything there, bar certain 'terms' are within the Wing Chun I have been exposed to. Albeit my groundwork was 'self studied' with what I had learnt and discussed with some pretty well know BJJ players to make sure I wasn't just coming to the wrong conclusions!

So to satisfy what you think consitutes Martial Arts, or the building blocks at least, I don't need to crosstrain or evolve my Wing Chun.

What constitutes MY Wing Chun Martial Art understanding?

1. Form
2. Interaction
3. Equipment
4. Weaponry
5. Literature

Now THAT imhhho is a complete Martial Art