Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
and that would be where exactly Scott?

my argument stands.

who am I insulting? Am I insulting, or is what I have said perceived as an insult?

there's a huge difference.

what exactly did I say that was over the top so much that it killed my argument?

please tell!

I stand by my argument otherwise.
I am not addressing your argument. I think you have made some good points and I agree with many of them. I also think that others have made some good points, some of which I agree with as well. My personal opinion is both arguments are correct according to the perspective one starts with. Sort of like, Is a glass filled half way with water half full or half empty?

However, you are starting to go a bit psycho! It is obvious to everyone but you apparently. So I decided to nicely point it out to you. The fact you continue to respond with hostility is demonstrating my point.