Quote Originally Posted by Vajramusti View Post
I trued to get info on California public death records on the internet- I didn't succeed- on;ly found commercial info finders. California folks may have better luck.(Walter...?)

But FWIW on a general fung fu related topic- on the relevance of forms...I agree with what Pete has said for some time- that the forms of a good style when properly internalized contains important information on the principles and techniques of the style- and that seemingly insignificant motions can have effective applications for good teachers and students.Early in his career he said that a good student should know multiple applications of a motion. The forms are based on the engines and energies of a style.

Back in the 60s--Pete was at the cutting edge of the influx of major TCMA folks into the martial scene in the US.He accumulated tons of quality information- without chest beating.

Isn't that some photo that Kisu shared - of Pete? He was both flexible and powerful.

BTW Pete had seen/met Bruce Lee and was not a real fan -I am not referring to BL movies.

Joy Chaudhuri
Re: Forms.
Indeed Joy, Pete shared with me a clip of a demo he was at where he showed an application of the SALUTE of the "small cross" form from GM Wong.
While we didn't always agree on the value of forms, his points were well made and valid AND he was living proof that they worked.
He was/is a traditionalist in the purest and best sense of the word.