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Thread: MMA Killed Kung Fu?

  1. #1

    MMA Killed Kung Fu?

    I was in a barns and noble yesterday in long island new York. first time I have been back in the states in 5 years. the first thing I did was go right to the sports section of the magazine stand, and to my surprise no kung fu tai chi magazine, about three mma mags and a grappling mag. then latter to the martial art book section, I think I saw two or three kung fu books at least.

    then I met my first kung fu teacher I ever had. an American guy from my home town, we hung out and chatted .one of the first thing he said[kung fu is dead, mma killed it] if anyone wants to learn to fight they just go to mma, ...... I thought this happened to some extent ,but not to the point that kung fu would be wiped out. how about the kung fu school owners here. are you guys doing ok?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Corner of somewhere and where am I
    MMA didn't kill kung fu, just stole its girlfriend. Kung fu committed suicide in a Denny's parking lot

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    North Canton, OH
    We are far from dead.

    In Northeastern Ohio alone you can study:

    1. Four styles of Mantis
    2. Four styles of Monkey
    3. Choy Li Fut
    4. Hung Gar
    5. Northern Shaolin
    6. Two styles of Shuai Chaio
    7. Three styles of Taijiquan
    8. Wushu taught by a "shaolin monk"
    9. Wing Chun
    10. Bagua
    11. Hsing I

    All that is within about an hours drive from my school.

    Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine and several kung fu books can be found at Books A Million less than 2 miles from my house.
    Richard A. Tolson

    There are two types of Chinese martial artists. Those who can fight and those who should be teaching dance or yoga!

    53 years of training, 43 years of teaching and still aiming for perfection!

    Recovering Forms Junkie! Even my twelve step program has four roads!

  4. #4
    that is very good to hear, are you a school owner?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Pound Town
    mma didn't kill kung fu. the tightey whitey killed kung fu.

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
    Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC

  6. #6
    it is the opposite in reality, but I like that name tightly whitey cause in china cause of our size it fits tightly ,you know with the women there and all
    Last edited by wiz cool c; 10-20-2013 at 07:30 AM.

  7. #7
    I don't know if it is killing CMA, but it certainly is challenging its current model. As far as learning practical fighting skills, it's a little hard to compete against the MMA model when many CMA schools in America have been playing it safe with their family-friendly promoted environment for so long. American CMA students put on big gloves and a bunch of pads and then are told not you strike the face or below the waist, to pull all kicks and punches, and to approach sparring with a 3 point score mentality. In addition, when training chi-na, how many partners are actually resisting and fighting back rather than simply stand there quietly and allow the other to perform the technique in a repititious fashion? MMA schools train with resisting partners/opponents who aren't pulling their punches... to a certain degree. Like American Boxing, they are constantly training with a resisting/aggressive partner.

    In the eyes of MMA, we're nothing more than corner street after-school TKD and Karate programs. CMA schools play it safe to protect their family-friendly environment in a sue happy society in order to protect their business. It's understandable. Unfortunately, it comes at a price.

    Interestingly enough, the few CMA schools that I have been to that try to focus more on a pragmatic approach and less on promoting a family-friendly environment tend to have horrible foundations in their techniques. Not really sure why that is.

    Just my two cents. I'm probably wrong, but... eh... live and learn.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Skid Row Adjacent
    Quote Originally Posted by SoCo KungFu View Post
    Kung fu committed suicide in a Denny's parking lot
    I've heard reports that Kung fu is still alive.

    It was too much of a pussy to go through with it.

  9. #9
    in my experience ,most of the schools in the states will spar and do application, which is more then you will get from traditional kung fu teachers in china. it is like pulling teeth trying to get that stuff from them, don't get me wrong if you travel with a group of tourist to train and pay them a half a years salary they are willing to open up. but that is not my case. I live there and train with teachers that never had a foreign student before.

  10. #10

    In the past, if anybody wanted to learn to fight they would go to a boxing school, a karate school, a judo school, a tap dancing school, a pilates school, a beautician school. They would stay ten thousand hells away from a kung fu school. MMA has not done any damage at all. And SanDa only serves to justify what people "knew" all along: TCMA does not work. This is what is killing kung fu: The perception and the transmission of said perceptions through improper teachings.

    Last edited by mickey; 10-20-2013 at 08:58 AM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by mooyingmantis View Post
    We are far from dead.

    In Northeastern Ohio alone you can study:

    1. Four styles of Mantis
    2. Four styles of Monkey
    3. Choy Li Fut
    4. Hung Gar
    5. Northern Shaolin
    6. Two styles of Shuai Chaio
    7. Three styles of Taijiquan
    8. Wushu taught by a "shaolin monk"
    9. Wing Chun
    10. Bagua
    11. Hsing I

    All that is within about an hours drive from my school.

    Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine and several kung fu books can be found at Books A Million less than 2 miles from my house.
    What do you think the ratio is between serious wrestlers and serious kung fu in Ohio? What do you think is more likely for one to train after or during a wrestling career, kung fu or MMA?

    MMA hasn't killed kung fu because for so long kung fu has refused to engage. The examples are few and far between.

    Anyways, they are two different things. Two different goals. Kung fu is more than just fighting, whereas MMA is pretty much all about sport fighting. Where MMA may win in the cage, they will probably not win in a sword fight. MMA is a big deal in pop culture these days, but kung fu will always push along. In some cases it will readjust with the times, in others it will stand tall on it's original principles. Depending on the style, this may or may not be a good thing. The only thing kung fu really needs to do is recognize that old doesn't mean better. What was tried and true at one point is not always the case at another. Like any martial strategy, it should adjust to the times. You don't see people flank tanks with horses and sabers because it's obvious that is just stupid. When it comes to kung fu larpers, it's not so obvious because so many are caught up in the romance of it and never actually have to use it in diverse ways. But those who do use it in modern context with a wide variety of opponents and styles seem to do ok. Time will tell. And as far as it compares to MMA, again, we'll see. MMA is growing in China, it will be interesting to see how much of their kung fu core they bring into the ring five/ten years from now.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    CA, USA
    Do I think MMA has killed CMA? No. For one thing, CMA is still in existence. Secondly, CMA has always lagged far behind TKD, karate, boxing, wrestling, etc., in popularity and visibility. Many people from these arts have long belittled CMA. If anything, MMA has probably had a far more chilling effect on these various arts, particularly karate, TKD, etc., in a certain age bracket.

    In Taiwan, TKD has been the number one MA for *decades*. I've also heard the same was true in Hong Kong. This was long before the rise of modern MMA.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    Do I think MMA has killed CMA? No. For one thing, CMA is still in existence. Secondly, CMA has always lagged far behind TKD, karate, boxing, wrestling, etc., in popularity and visibility. Many people from these arts have long belittled CMA. If anything, MMA has probably had a far more chilling effect on these various arts, particularly karate, TKD, etc., in a certain age bracket.

    In Taiwan, TKD has been the number one MA for *decades*. I've also heard the same was true in Hong Kong. This was long before the rise of modern MMA.
    You could argue that MMA is more related to JMA's, KMA's, western boxing, wrestling etc than it is to CMA's. One could also argue that most of the crossover between MMA and CMA is purely incidental. This is just a natural consequence of self segregation. It doesn't really speak to the quality.

  14. #14
    I would be interested in hearing from any full time school owners, how has this effected the student enrolment, and can some still make a living running a traditional kung fu school in America?

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Shell Beach, CA, USA
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    If TCMA can use these 2 clips as model (partner training 1st, solo training 2nd) and develop 1 skill after another, it will last forever.

    1. partner training:

    2. solo training:

    Why can't the TCMA striking art systems also use this model to develop the striking skill?

    Do we always have to start our TCMA training from this?

    or from this?
    Last edited by YouKnowWho; 10-20-2013 at 01:21 PM.

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