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Thread: how to teach kids

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    Shell Beach, CA, USA
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    My guys had tried the following game in his school.

    - Get 3 persons.
    - 2 persons spar/wrestle in a circle.
    - 1 person stays outside that circle.
    - The person outside of that circle can attack anybody at anytime.

    This will force you to always "watch your back" and remain mobility and alert. It may sound like anti-ground game but it does develop some useful skill.

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  2. #17
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    Another one I've done is to make them race when doing sparring footwork drills.

    And I'll make contests for fastest footwork, and also for most distance covered in one attack.

    I also have the kids partner with me and hit me full force when training applications.

    They also are supposed to try to hit me with head shots. I let them get close but barely miss.

    If they can hit me in the head, or make me say "ow!" or whatever, then they get to be in charge and pick the next exercise.

    They get really excited and motivated, and they can't stop talking afterwards about how close they were, and that they will get me next time.

  3. #18
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    Here is a simple and safe game. Whoever can use his hand to hold on his opponent's wrist for 3 seconds, he wins that round.

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  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
    My guys had tried the following game in his school.

    - Get 3 persons.
    - 2 persons spar/wrestle in a circle.
    - 1 person stays outside that circle.
    - The person outside of that circle can attack anybody at anytime.

    This will force you to always "watch your back" and remain mobility and alert. It may sound like anti-ground game but it does develop some useful skill.

    Another one I do is have them spar me 2 on 1. Fun and different for them, and extra exercise for me.

    We also do continuous sparring, and if I get them down on the ground or otherwise tied up, they have to fight their way back up/out. And they are supposed to be ready at all times, and are allowed(supposed to) try to sucker punck/kick me if I "make a mistake".

    Keeps them constantly looking for opportunities, and also gets them to recognize what not to do when the situation is reversed. Also gets them to recognize potential traps.

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
    Here is a simple and safe game. Whoever can use his hand to hold on his opponent's wrist for 3 seconds, he wins that round.
    That reminds me...

    They liked doing continuous chin na attacks, escapes, and counters.

    I'll pair with them first, so they have good examples. Then they pair with each other.

    We also include getting the other guy's back and RNC, getting the other guy down and various immobilizations, getting the other guy down and getting knee on chest, etc.

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninjaboy View Post
    hey guys,

    i'm looking for tips on fun drills/activities/games to complement the regular syllabus to keep kids interested in class.

    all advice is welcome.


    keep kids interested in class

    so, like if they are not interested in the class then why force or otherwise coerce them to train martial arts?

    there is nothing special about martial arts training. nothing more special that can be gained from training any martial art vs. any other physical endeavor. a focus on anything can yield the same 'benefits' that are touted by martial arts schools. swimming and gymnastics (basic tumbling skills) are far better and more physically rewarding for young children than martial arts as they are less complicated in movement and more immediately rewarding in gains in motor skills, cardo and strength.

    the games are not for the kids. they are for the teachers. lol, it's far easier to play a game with a kid then to try and impart real martial skill to them. and, the appropriateness of teaching a kid to fight is subject to question in todays society anyway. (I don't agree with that, btw)

    bottom line: if the basics of martial arts are not interesting to a particular kid: THEN THEY ARE NOT INTERESTED IN TRAINING MARTIAL ARTS.

    as an instructor, coming up with ways to keep kids interested in 'class' is not for the benefit of the child, by you, the instructor.

    again, there is nothing special a child will gain from learning martial arts that they can not gain from some other physical or mental (thinking art here) endeavor.

    modern marketing has falsely touted the supposed benefits of martial arts training NOT FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CHILD but for the school owner.

    and, Neil, I do hope you realize I'm not attacking you personally. I think you do and i'm not worried since we have actually met face to face a couple of times.

    or anyone else for that matter. but, really, get a grip guys. martial arts ain't magic. if you can't teach the core of it to someone of any age who is truly interested in it, stop with the gimmiks.
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  7. #22
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    food for thought


    thanks for asking, i'm not doing too bad for an older fella ; ) and of course i dont take your viewpoints as a personal attack... i do believe, however, you CAN blend modern marketing with quality instruction and a splash of fun despite your opinion. by the way, i enjoyed the yoda impression : )

    to the rest of you,

    lots of great ideas, i really appreciate you sharing some of your class activities with me, i will give them all a try and get back on the forum in the coming months to let you know how things are going. don't hold back either, if you guys have any more or anyone else who wants to chime in, i'd love to hear about it.


    wish me luck!

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninjaboy View Post
    I don't take your viewpoints as a personal attack... I do believe, however, you CAN blend modern marketing with quality instruction and a splash of fun despite your opinion.
    I second that.

  9. #24
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