Quote Originally Posted by ingchao View Post
These groups of individuals show more Wu De than most Kung Fu schools. And 1 of the reasons for this is that they refuse to engage in the politics involved in MOST martial arts.
They just want to share what they've learned and learn from one another. It's kinda weird that people who gather under the philosophy of a movie understand Wu De more than people who have trained under "Real" Grandmasters.

props to 'em
I'm not sure what you're talking about here. The attempt to promote their karate school by, most likely, illegally using a Lucasfilm property and benefitting off it? How much do you think they charged for their unliscensed "Jedi Camp?" Pretty sure the term "Jedi" is trademarked.

That school isn't gathering under the philosophy of a movie, they are profitting off a movie franchise to promote their karate school. I don't think it has anything to do with wude.