As far as I know, what you read was absolutely correct. In addition to this, many sodas, mostly fruit flavored ones it seems, have brominated vegetable oil as an ingredient. Bromine is a sanitizer, but it is a sanitizer mainly used in swimming pools and spas. Trust me on this, I work on pools and spas for a living. This past summer, I nearly choked to death on a cloud of bromine gas, which in my opinion is far worse than chlorine. I don't completely understand why vegetable oil would be included in a soft drink, but I know that bromine is deadly. Of course, I did not know that pool sanitizer was being put into my favorite soft drink during the period when I was drinking several gallons of it a day. If I had known that I would not have consumed it at all. And nowadays, it affects my choice of drink to the point that I completely read the label on a bottle before I try it.

As they say, buyer beware.

Anyway, I'll let you guys know what happens to me as I quit drinking the stuff. I started seriously cutting back this weekend. I already notice caffeine withdrawal, fatigue, and mood swings.
