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Thread: Chinese Ministry of Health Breaks 13-Year Taboo on Qigong

  1. #1
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    Chinese Ministry of Health Breaks 13-Year Taboo on Qigong

    The ancient Chinese practice of qigong, a traditional Chinese form of exercise, has suddenly become hot news in China. For 13 years, state-run media has vilified and slandered qigong, but new reports are suddenly touting its benefits—a sign that top regime leaders have condoned the change in tone.

    Discussion in mainland media, as well as online chatter, is rife with speculation that Beijing is thawing in its approach of persecuting qigong practitioners; most notably those who practice Falun Gong.

    Medical professionals from several hospitals recently attended a nine-day qigong training course, and the benefits were published in a report by the Health Department of Gansu Province. The Ministry of Health spokesperson commented positively on the report, effectively breaking China’s 13-year taboo on qigong.

    Shi Zangshan, a Washington D.C.-based China expert, told The Epoch Times that the report about the qigong training session is hot news and could only happen with the permission of high-level officials.

    “The kind of qigong promoted by the Gansu Health Department includes a standing exercise and a sitting exercise. Falun Gong also has something similar. In other words, the authorities no longer avoid mentioning the similarity,” Shi said.

    Shi added that the fact the report was not censored indicates that Premier Wen Jiabao and his reform supporters have gained the upper hand politically.

    After former Party leader Jiang Zemin launched the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, qigong became a taboo subject in China, especially in the media.

    In a May 31 article in the regime mouthpiece Xinhua news agency, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Health acknowledged the Gansu Health Department’s effort to help medical professionals understand and learn more about traditional Chinese medicine and practices.

    “Humankind continues to gain a deeper understanding of life science and continues to have new discoveries,” the spokesperson said, according to Xinhua. “On the academic level, we encourage theoretical exploration, innovative experiments, and academic contention.”

    According to the article, 47 medical staff gained huge benefits from the qigong course held in mid-May.

    Liu Weizhong, head of the Gansu Health Department, recommended that province hospital staff learn qigong and apply it in their clinical practice. Several Chinese media also published articles on Liu’s medical background and career, and how he became interested in qiqong.

    According to state agencies in early 1999, between 70 million and 100 million Chinese were practicing Falun Gong in the mainland. In 1998, the State Sports Bureau conducted a large survey and found that 97.9 percent of Falun Gong practitioners surveyed reported improvements in their health and a steep drop in their medical bills.

    “Falun Gong has hundreds of benefits for the Chinese people and nation and does not a bit of harm,” according to the 1998 report by Qiao Shi, former head of the National People’s Congress.

    Recently, a high-level source in Beijing told The Epoch Times that key leaders in the Chinese Communist Party’s Politburo have reached consensus on four points, and one of them is that Falun Gong should be redressed—all those treated as criminals under the ban should be released and the ban should end—and practitioners should receive compensation.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    San Antonio, TX, USA
    Interesting article, thanks Sal.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Pound Town
    this is a propaganda article from the black hand of fa lun gong, the epoch times. the chiense government has never persecuted qigong.

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
    Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC

  4. #4
    Epoch Times is tied in w FLG, and there has been some legitimate criticism of its journalistic standards

    PRC is fine w qigong (heck, they invented the term), as long as it's the generic, "non-spiritual, standardized, sanitized variety; typically it's not particularly complex, designed to be taught / practiced by large crowds, more like calisthenics than anything else;

    once u get into things like Orbit Cycling and the like, it becomes problematic, as this practice is associated w the older, sectarian practices;

    most PRC qigong isn't anything special; it lacks detail and is to about the individual's personal progression;

  5. #5
    As I wrote in another post the thing that the government is doing in my neighborhood contradicts this article.
    As for qigong they have selected a few sets like baduanjin, yijinjing, wuqinxi as recommended qigong and the rest is not recommended. I don't know how doing anything can be called qigong if someone hasn't done things like the meridian circulation and can't feel the qi or the points.
    I am not interested in what FLG is doing at all but at some point doing qigong will border with things that are considered to be supernatural and I don't think any government would want a large number of people getting there as people will start reconsidering all the religions or the ideologies that they have been brainwashed with but as long as qigong is kept as a hippie thing or a hobby of old people in the park it would be OK.

  6. #6
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    BEIJING - A government spokesman on Thursday responded to a recent outburst of scepticism over traditional Chinese medicine by saying that China encourages "theoretical exploration and innovation in the practice" of medical science to improve healthcare.

    Speaking at a press conference, Ministry of Health spokesman Song Shuli made the remark following a request for comment on achievements claimed by a local health department.

    The health department of Northwest China's Gansu province announced earlier this month, after a nine-day training course for its workers, that 41 of 47 practitioners had performed some of the fundamental tasks of the healthcare theory qigong. The 41 had successfully opened up their own "Conception Vessel" (ren mai) and "Governor Vessel" (du mai), according to a statement posted on the department's website.

    "They feel vigorous after the accomplishment. Their old diseases are now relieved or cured, and their diet, sleep, and bowel movement are back to normal," it claimed.

    Skepticism was quickly raised after the announcement, with many questioning how the practitioners could make the progress in such a brief period, or whether it is achievable at all.

    According to ancient Chinese medical theories, the Conception and Governor vessels, located at different acupuncture points, control the flow of the human body's Yin and Yang energy, respectively.
    Popular kungfu fictions mention that martial arts masters -- often practitioners of qigong -- become undefeatable after opening up the two vessels. But it supposedly requires years or even decades to accomplish this.

    Song did not confirm whether the practitioners in Gansu have actually achieved the mastery, but said that human beings' understanding of life science is ever progressing and will constantly make new discoveries.

    "The main objective of the qigong course in Gansu is to help medical staff understand and master more knowledge and methods of TCM," the spokesman said. "TCM is a medical science formed and developed by Chinese people after thousands of years' struggle against diseases, and it has made great contribution to the prosperity of the Chinese nation and world civilization."

    By practicing qigong, an exercise to align breath and movement, people are trained to feel the body's "qi," considered a force active in any living thing. With sufficient practice, people are said to be able to open up the two vessels, giving them access to infinite energy.

    The spokesman insisted that attaching equal importance to TCM and Western medicine is an important principle for China's health authorities.

    China has introduced a series of laws and regulations to promote scientific progress in TCM and to improve TCM services.

    "Modern scientific research has continuously provided evidence for TCM's theories and methods," the spokesman added. "There are more and more countries and regions around the world that are studying and accepting TCM."

    According to the Health Ministry, more than 70 countries and regions have signed agreements with China's government on TCM cooperation.
    Last edited by pazman; 06-20-2012 at 07:37 AM. Reason: Paragraph breaks

  7. #7
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    Columbia, MO
    I actually find the "official" versions of Baduanjin and Yijinjing to be pretty solid if taught properly. That said, at the Wuhan Institute of Physical Education where I worked previously, I was told explicitly I should only practice the standard "non-spiritual" versions and that I should avoid meditation without the supervision of a "Chinese master."

    There are a lot of things I love about China, but sometimes these little "North Korea" moments are a bit much.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by pazman View Post
    "They feel vigorous after the accomplishment. Their old diseases are now relieved or cured, and their diet, sleep, and bowel movement are back to normal," it claimed.
    well, thank goodness for that!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Columbia, MO
    Actually, that's a tell-tale sign of propaganda and lies...this is China, bowel moments will never be normal.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    It is a collaborative effort of a Ministry of Health and Public Security Burea who actually compiles the list of authorized sanctioned qigong. I am sure other Bureaus and Ministries are involved but they set a 'standard' of some sort per scientiifc criteria and lack of superstitution in the various routines!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    this is a propaganda article from the black hand of fa lun gong, the epoch times. the chiense government has never persecuted qigong.
    Um... what he said.

    The Epoch Times is not a credible media outlet.
    Simon McNeil

    Be on the lookout for the Black Trillium, a post-apocalyptic wuxia novel released by Brain Lag Publishing available in all major online booksellers now.
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    this is a propaganda article from the black hand of fa lun gong, the epoch times. the chiense government has never persecuted qigong.
    Other than the time acupuncture was banned from practice, the Chinese government has a habit of 'behind the scenes' manipulation of other qigong groups only because they do not follow the Party Line.

    There have been government officials who will do anything possible to destroy some qigong groups because they do not "give them face" or were struggled against and since they are now on top, they use their power to control. It is not as obvious now but it is a clear and present danger!

  13. #13
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    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by mawali View Post
    Other than the time acupuncture was banned from practice, the Chinese government has a habit of 'behind the scenes' manipulation of other qigong groups only because they do not follow the Party Line.

    There have been government officials who will do anything possible to destroy some qigong groups because they do not "give them face" or were struggled against and since they are now on top, they use their power to control. It is not as obvious now but it is a clear and present danger!
    I remain skeptical of these sorts of claims - especially when it's presented as a systemic problem but in a manner that suggests, at most, local corruption issues.
    Simon McNeil

    Be on the lookout for the Black Trillium, a post-apocalyptic wuxia novel released by Brain Lag Publishing available in all major online booksellers now.
    Visit me at Simon McNeil - the Blog for thoughts on books and stuff.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by pazman View Post
    I should avoid meditation without the supervision of a "Chinese master."

    There are a lot of things I love about China, but sometimes these little "North Korea" moments are a bit much.
    when i started qigong i experienced fingers twitching, blood rushing to head, and uncontrollable burst its of anger. my teacher taught me exercises to relieve those symptoms immediately and corrected my mistakes which were causing them.

    its perfectly good advice, but its understandable you thought it was commie control.

    Quote Originally Posted by mawali View Post
    Other than the time acupuncture was banned from practice
    pure bullsh1t. acupuncture anaesthesia was practiced in experimental surgery in the 1980s, right after the cultural revolution.
    Quote Originally Posted by mawali View Post
    There have been government officials who will do anything possible to destroy some qigong groups because they do not "give them face" or were struggled against and since they are now on top, they use their power to control. It is not as obvious now but it is a clear and present danger!
    but rampant greed, nihilism, promiscuity and callousness caused by westernization is just fine. some crabby old official wants to stop qigong, DANGER DANGER
    Last edited by bawang; 06-28-2012 at 02:09 PM.

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
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  15. #15
    when i started qigong i experienced fingers twitching, blood rushing to head, and uncontrollable burst its of anger.
    What kind of qigong were you practicing?

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