So this is going to be a bit off the wall, but hey, thats how I roll.

Ii have this new AI program im using. I'm going to create an experiment, and develop a brain for it that will be used soley for teaching kungfu data and other martial arts information to. i dont know how this will pan out, and its going to take a lot of time to input all the data, but my hope is that eventually I'll have a computer you can talk to about kungfu and actually learn martial information and data from.

I'm looking for some good, reliable sources of information regarding history, and the development of cma, all in an english format. for certain more generic and redily available information, i will be using common sources. wiki,, etc.

Any of you that have web sites that have solid information to share, drop a line in this thread with a link if possible and I'll check it out, and possibly/probably add it to the brain. in this request I am looking for style/culture/family specific history and data, not general cma information. If that is included as well thats ok, but I've already started building the general cma script.

my main concern of course is accuracy and reliability of information. i will be storing all the data locally, and making all the terms and spellings of certain things conform to a stable pattern before i input the data into the brain. i think teaching it variations of converted and translated language may be too much to start.

love it, hate it, call me crazy, or shoot me in the face. this is going to be fun and my kungfu brain will one day inhabit my kungfu robot bodies and i'll have an army of robofu badasses.

ack i must work. you can also just copy/past info here you think would be good for the kungfu brain.

this is going to be a fun experiment.