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Thread: Monkey King - IMAX-3D featuring Donnie Yen

  1. #16
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    July 2012

    Classic Chinese tale to get 3-D film treatment
    BEIJING | Mon Dec 13, 2010 11:47pm EST
    BEIJING (Reuters Life!) - Monkey King, meet Avatar.

    Production has kicked off on a stereoscopic 3-D version of one of the biggest-ever Chinese language adventure tales as local filmmakers hope to match the gigantic success of "Avatar."

    The film, "Monkey King," is based on the classic Chinese novel "The Journey to the West," which tells the story of a Buddhist monk's pilgrimage to India to collect religious texts.

    One of the best-known stories from Chinese mythology, the popular tale is frequently adapted in for television and movies.

    Aaron Kwok, a Hong Kong pop star, is cast as the Buffalo Demon King, while Chow Yun-fat, who starred in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon," plays the Jade Emperor.

    Other Hong Kong stars such as Donnie Yen, Kelly Chen, Gigi Leung and Peter Ho will also take part.

    Kwok told a news conference Sunday that he hoped his character would come off better in the new movie than he does in tradition.

    "In Donnie Yen's action design, I hope the Buffalo Demon King can beat Jade Emperor in fights," he said.

    To create the 3-D effects needed for Monkey King, the film's producers have employed a Hollywood team including David Ebner, who worked on "Alice in Wonderland" and "Spider-Man 3." Daniel Symmes is cinematographer.

    The popularity of 3-D movies has surged in China. James Cameron's Avatar took $206 million in box office revenues in China earlier this year, the official Xinhua news agency said.

    Monkey King is budgeted at $40 million and is expected to make a positive return at the domestic Chinese box-office when it opens in July 2012. Approximately a third or more than 1,100 of China's movie screens are 3-D screens, according to Xinhua.
    Can Sun Wukong defeat the Na-vi? We'll see in two years...
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  2. #17
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    Classic Chinese tale to get 3-D film treatment
    BEIJING | Mon Dec 13, 2010 11:47pm EST
    BEIJING (Reuters Life!) - Monkey King, meet Avatar.


    Aaron Kwok, a Hong Kong pop star, is cast as the Buffalo Demon King, while Chow Yun-fat, who starred in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon," plays the Jade Emperor.


    Kwok told a news conference Sunday that he hoped his character would come off better in the new movie than he does in tradition.

    "In Donnie Yen's action design, I hope the Buffalo Demon King can beat Jade Emperor in fights," he said.
    I can't say I am too thrilled that they might be tweaking the story in such a way that the Bull Demon King would fight the Jade Emperor. Just stick to the novel. Why change a good thing?

  3. #18
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    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    Looks pretty good. It seems like they patterned Monkey's design off of the 1980s TV show.

  5. #20
    I really want to like this movie because I think Donnie Yen is awesome, but the imagery in the trailer seems pretty silly to me.

  6. #21
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    According to a news item I just posted on the BoF thread, this will premiere Xmas 2013.
    Donnie Yen is pressured by "The Monkey King"
    By Heidi Hsia | From Cinema Online Exclusively for Yahoo! Newsroom – Tue, Jun 18, 2013 2:46 PM SGT

    18 June – Donnie Yen recently revealed that he has no interest to play the Monkey King ever again due to the immense pressure his latest movie has caused him.

    According to ON.CC, at "The Monkey King" press conference in Shanghai on 17 June, the actor revealed, "The make-up for Monkey King took five hours every day, and another one hour to remove it after filming. After all that, I still have to take care of the fighting choreography!"

    When asked if he will do it all over again, Donnie exclaimed, "This type of work affected my health negatively and gave me psychological stress. I think it would be impossible for me to agree to this kind of 'monkey punishment' again!"

    However, all of his efforts were in vain, as Donnie's co-stars Chow Yun-fat, Aaron Kwok, Peter Ho and many more, were full of praises for the martial arts actor, saying that the actor is really professional in his work and that he was able to retain the quality of the choreography despite pulling double duties as actor and director.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  7. #22
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    that trailer was lame as hell.. who edited that thing? doesnt give me any insight into the real action being shown.. just a bunch of random shots that dont really show anything. and not in a good way.

  8. #23
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    reveailing interview

    King Of Kung Fu Presents: The Interview With Monkey King Producer Michael Wehrhahn
    Posted July 15, 2013 by kingofkungfu in Features

    Michael Wehrhahn is the producer of the much anticipated Donnie yen movie “The Monkey King(大鬧天宮)”, where he has spent 4 years working on this to make it a great hit with not only Donnie Yen fans, but Monkey King fans all around the world. Donnie Yen is a Kung Fu legend and has been making great movies for a long time, but since Sha Po lang i feel Yen has stepped up 5 gears and made some incredible movies and i have no doubts that The Monkey King will be another smash hit.

    The Monkey King also stars many other great stars which include Chow Yun-fat, Aaron Kwok, Joe Chen, Kelly Chen and Louis Fan, a real top star cast. In the novel, SunWukong (The Monkey King), is a monkey born from a stone who gathers supernatural powers through Taoist practices. After going against heaven and being captured under a mountain he later goes with the monk Xuanzang on a journey to retrieve Buddhist sutras from India. But in the first movie of the three scheduled, it shows the birth of SunWukong and how he was born and taught to use his special abilities during a time good and evil were at war on a distant Earth.

    New technology in recent years like 3D should really bring out the characters in The Monkey King and capture the essence of the movie for the audience to experience the best Monkey King project to date. There has always been a big following of this character with many comics, TV series, movies, stage plays, manga cartoons, games which shows the power of The Monkey King and how highly regarded he is to audiences all over the world.

    The movie has everything, a superb cast and crew, a world wide fan base which will support the movie and i have every faith this will live up to the hype that people have been talking about for a long time. Not only will this be a hit with Asian audiences, but a hit around the world and i am very excited that this is coming as a trilogy. This will deliver for audiences on the big screen, so when this is released, be sure to head down to your local cinema, grab your 3D glasses and sit back and enjoy the ride.

    Background Information
    Born in Northern New Jersey, Michael was introduced to the spotlight by his parents, highly regarded film archivists for networks such ABC ,NBC News and Republic Pictures. After several years of exposure to the bright lights of Hollywood, Michael began to act through his youth as a teen.

    By his late Teens Michael has appeared in over a dozen motion pictures a half dozen television shows and directed his own exercise series. His first major appearance in a feature film was alongside World Renown Rapper Fat Joe playing “Alex Hunter” in Blazin’, one of the more popular Hong Kong orientated action Martial Art American made films’ of all time hitting the Billboard charts for six consecutive weeks in a row.

    In CBS’s Now & Again, as “Busker” his portrayal of a strung out homeless street entertainer on the streets of New York marked a dramatic evolution in his career. Then, in 1998, he appeared in the Kasuri Production Pocket Full Of Dreams, which established him on the big screen in selected countries in foreign countries.

    After numerous extensive appearances on NBC’s Late Night with Conan O’ Brien Show with Water World’s William Preston as an actor Michael proved he could perform his own stunts as well as act to entertain live audience around the world on national television for three seasons.

    In late 1999 he has undertaken his most ambitious project ever: playing Billy Stevens in The Image Factory’s What’s Eating You?, a comedy horror film filled with Science fiction and virtual reality sets of mass proportion.

    Other film projects include Treasure of the Seven Mummies, alongside Matt Schultz (Fast and the Furious), Billy Drago (The untouchables), Cerina Vincent (Cabin Fever) and Danny trejo (Once Upon a time In Mexico) The Secret War alongside KC Armstrong and Jim Florentine (Howard Stern Show).

    At this point i would like to turn your intentions to the interview with Michael Wehrhahn, i would also like to thank him greatly for agreeing to do this and for also letting me use one of the first posters released for the movie. Also id like to say a big thanks to Robert Samuels for making this happen in the first place. I hope you guys enjoy the interview and take in what Michael has to say about the movie.

    1.How did you first get involved with this movie and how did you feel before heading for the first day of shooting?

    In 2007 after some successful co productions I was looking for new projects I was packaging several other films with good friends of mine in Hong Kong and a good friend asked me if Im interested in doing The Monkey King as a co production for the US. Originally since they already started production before joining them Global Star was just doing US distribution but due to the extreme special effects we came aboard as a co-production partnership to do all post production in the film and then designed two other films to make it a trilogy.

    2.How familiar was you with the Monkey King character prior to filming?

    I Always new The Monkey King (Sun WuKong) character because of my travels to China throughout the years. I actually attempted a pitch to the US studios in 2004 but they thought it was too risky and believed its only market was Art Houses. So if this was the market there was very little money to make the movie.

    3.The Monkey King has such an all star cast, how did you find working with such amazing talent?

    All the talent was amazing. I was really impressed by how fast the actors got into the characters. In the US actors prepare and prepare and prepare. Then they prep a lot to stay in character. The Monkey King Crew cast was like a light switch becoming there characters in a matter of a second. Donnie Yen was out of this world. Donnie came directly from another set the first day of The Monkey King and already was conditioned to play Sun Wu Kong and was flipping around and acting like a Monkey in which in the US there’s weeks of training then conditioning to perform the character. Just amazing talent.

    4.How do you think the take on the film will be different to the novel and did the technical challenges take over or away from the plot or script?

    Well first of all there’s three Movies. The first one we are releasing is the birth of SunWukong, how he was born and learned to use his special abilities during a time good and evil were at war on a distant Earth. This is not Journey to the West story of the Pilgrimage to India. The first Film is called “The Monkey King” The legend Begins. There are also two versions of this both have similar footage both from the traditional writings. We have added 1 or 2 characters to make it more marketable for a feature film.

    The First China Version is in Mandarin keeping authentic to Chinese culture and Chinese style of film making. The second version or what we call the international US version is in English with a special guest well known US Celebrity appearing with extra characters and more scenes and special effects to market it on a broader market that’s not is as aware as china of the story therefore introducing it to the US Markets.
    continued next post
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  9. #24
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    continued from previous

    Three movies. Extra characters. Hmph.
    5.How did you find working on such a big movie, a movie with such high expectations?

    I love film making and challenges. But this is far further than either. Producing this film on such a big budget and internationally working with different markets , politics, and finances. Very difficult but we have worked out the math and its going smoothly. We are working with over 4 dozen effects houses from around the world to create the CG in this film. We have an enormous amount of green screen in this movie as well as animated scenes. This is why its taking so long to complete. As for the High expectations we are doing the best we can and I’m a fan like everyone else. I put myself in the chair thinking like a fan to try to keep it as traditional and entertaining to as many people as possible.

    6.During the movie, what are your real stand out moments and what was your favorite fight scene?

    Sun WuKong always fights . Hes a fighting machine. So far I have two favorites. When Sun WuKong fights the Jade Army showing off his talents and the second is when he battles the Rock Monsters on Fruits and Flowers. Both super cool.

    7.The Monkey King books features lots of mythology, have you read most of the titles and if so which ones would you recommended our readers?

    I have been all over China as well as Thailand and Hong Kong researching The Monkey King stories. My favorites are the Chinese Classics Novels written during the Ming Dynasty based on the traditional folktales by (Wu Cheng’en). There’s a translated English version by by W.J.F Jenner on the market that’s tells the 100 chapters or so called Journey to the West. If your a comic book fan the comics done by TSAI CHIH CHUNG are very good and I personally own them as well.

    8.In 10 years time, where would you like Global Star productions to be?

    Global Star Productions been in business many years now. Our Family Roots were where Hollywood started in Fort Lee NJ. In ten years time I would just like the company to be known for great entertainment even if we do only a few really good releases. I’m a big fan of Disney and just want to help entertain the world universally. Maybe eventually have offices in Hong Kong or China.

    9.I would also like to ask you about the upcoming movie Little Monk, is there much you can tell us about this and what we can expect?

    The Little Monk is another movie we created as a co-production with China. Its also a trilogy and involves shooting in China as well as New York City. We have both very well know Hong Kong Actors in this as well as major A list US actors. This will be in two languages and the actors are doing the scenes in both to cut down on the dubbing in post.
    There’s lots of Kung Fu in this and lots of action. although I cant release too much in the actors or story I do want to say there is a very well know Kung Fu actor in this leaving out Donnie and Jackie. You can see artwork for this at

    10. Finally is there anything you would like to say to the readers at Asian movie Pulse, your fans and fans of The Monkey King?

    I would like to tell the fans of The Monkey King that there will be a website called in which will give you lots of info on the movies and whats going on. We also put together a Monkey King Social Network ( ) (like Weibo and Facebook ) that will be a place to share your Monkey King Stories and share your comments , Monkey King Artwork and talk to other fans. A place to keep the stories alive as well as international . If you dislike something in part 1 please tell us on the social network as we will be taking feedback to better part 2. We created these worlds in which will have Monkey Games and actual movie scenes that you can personalize as yourself and have fun with it. The sites will be released in mid July.

    I ask that the fans keep this alive so we can have more for the future. I’m a fan we must do this together. Thanks Asian Movie Pulse for everything.

    Michael Wehrhahn

    Here is a bio about Global Star productions.

    In 1992 Michael Wehrhahn , son of late Larry Wehrhrhan (Republic Pictures, Fort Lee Film Storage) adapted from a family news archive and research storage business, creating and launching a multi functional corporation to develop, produce, and distribute superior inspirational films in which was called GLOBAL STAR PRODUCTIONS.

    Global Star Productions known for its Hong Kong film making style techniques due its Asian roots of wire work and rigging with inferior action by its crew and well known action directors of the HKSA (Hong Kong Stuntmen Association) and superior teams from the best action in the business.

    With strong attachments from Asia, Global Star Productions was able to incorporate Asian film making style visuals with Hollywood based film making and influence through some of the best Hollywood cinematics, animatics and CGI studios in the business. Global Star Production’s was successful in co producing with several productions to combine both countries specialties and influences.

    In Late 1999 Global Star partnered up with SCREEN GEMS STUDIO’S in Wilmington North Carolina home of Dawsons Creek to assist in developmental projects, and maintain studio events alongside President Frank Capra and Vice President Gerrald Waller as well as assist in Those Hollywood Stunts and coordinate a stunt show for tourism on the studio lots.

    Some of Global Star’s productional credits are “A Melody Looking” starring music legend Leon Lai “7 Mummies” starring (fast and the furious) Matt Shultz and (Once Upon a Time in Mexico) Daniel Trejo “BLAZIN” # 15 on the Bill board charts starring Fat Joe , Cuban Link , Angie Martinez “Secret War” starring KC Armstrong (Howard Stern show) and Jim Florentine (Crank Yankers)“Lord of the City” starring Marcos Miranda “Whats Eating You” and “The 25th Anniversary of Battlestar Galactica” reunion in Universal City CA.

    Global Star’s in Production with several motion pictures today such as “The Monkey King” trilogy starring Donnie Yen and Chow Yun Fat, in development of numerous reality shows , cable shows and also in development of a new scifi epic feature with creator Richard Hatch called“Marsland2096”

    So i hope everyone is now very excited for the release of The Monkey King and have enjoyed the interview with Michael, now sit back, click play on the trailer and spread the word to what surely will be a huge hit.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  10. #25
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    ttt 4 2014!

    Donnie Yen Finds 'Monkey King' a Test of Endurance
    HONG KONG January 3, 2014 (AP)

    Donnie Yen found playing the Monkey King in the upcoming fantasy epic "The Monkey King" to be a test of endurance.

    The action star spent six hours in the makeup chair daily during filming. "After the makeup is done, then comes the pressure of wearing the armor," he said. "It's very painful."

    Yen and the film's director, Cheang Pou Sui, presented the latest trailer for the film at an event Friday in Hong Kong.

    Yen, barely recognizable, is seen in full costume as the Monkey King fights off evil and shows off superpowers.

    The story, based on Chinese mythology, is about the pilgrimage of the Monkey King, who accompanies a Buddhist monk to retrieve a sacred Buddhist text. The Monkey King battles the Bull Demon King, played by another Hong Kong A-lister, Aaron Kwok.

    The 50-year-old Yen, whose films include Zhang Yimou's "Hero" and the comic Hollywood crossover "Shanghai Knights," acknowledges that his strength as a lean, mean fighting machine is not the same as before. But he said he still can fight the bad guys on the big screen.

    "I think to shoot a movie takes stamina," he said. "I don't think that has anything to do with age. It's all right. At least I feel that in the past two years, my body has no aches and pains. I can still keep going."

    "The Monkey King" also features Chow Yun Fat and Kelly Chan and will be released in China and Hong Kong on Jan. 30, before the Lunar New Year holiday.
    Still on track for the end of this month.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  11. #26
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    Buzz coming

    I can hardly wait for this flick. I really hope it gets distributed in 3D in the US.
    Chow Yun Fat teases Donnie Yen
    By Heidi Hsia | From Cinema Online Exclusively for Yahoo Newsroom – 14 hours ago

    Chow Yun Fat teases Donnie Yen

    21 Jan – Chow Yun Fat poked fun at co-star Donnie Yen recently by expressing his hopes that the martial arts actor's temper would be better after filming "The Monkey King".
    According to Mingpao, while speaking to the media at the movie's press conference in Beijing on 19 January alongside Donnie Yen and Aaron Kwok, Chow began innocently by saying, "Everyone used to say Donnie Yen was the strongest man in the universe. But after watching this film, they would realise that [Donnie's character] Sun Wukong is the best."
    However, he mischievously added, "I hope that Donnie's temper would be better now that the film has finished."
    Chow revealed that Donnie's temper was understandable, and revealed that not only did the actor had to sit several hours for his special effect make up, he also had to fight and choreographed others' action scenes.
    Donnie laughed at this and replied, "I am extremely honoured to be able to work with Chow Yun Fat and Aaron Kwok. This is indeed a dream team. And because of Chow's high salary, he can't miss a single moment of production. He had to look cool when he appears."
    Aaron then chipped in and said, "Donnie had a lot of work on his hand. He has a high demand and sometimes it would frustrate him when the crew can't coordinate and time was spent too much on coordination."
    When asked about the incident on stage later that day, Donnie denied that they were bickering and said that everybody was joking.
    "I would not be upset with what Chow said," said Donnie, who added that his two co-stars are experienced actors and needed less direction than others.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  12. #27
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    So eager to see this...

    ...been waiting so long for it...

    Donnie Yen says Monkey King performance inspired by watching his son play
    By The Associated Press | The Canadian Press – 14 hours ago

    In this Saturday, Jan. 25, 2014 photo, Hong Kong action star Donnie Yen gestures during an interview at a restaurant in Hong Kong. The action star plays the title role in the upcoming 3D film, "The Monkey King," which is loosely based on the classic Chinese folktale, "Journey to the West," where the Monkey King accompanies a Buddhist monk on a pilgrimage to retrieve a sacred Buddhist script. (AP Photo/Vincent Yu)View Photo

    HONG KONG - Actor Donnie Yen says his toddler son was his inspiration for his performance in "The Monkey King."

    The action star plays the title role in the 3D film, "The Monkey King," loosely based on a classic Chinese folktale where the Monkey King accompanies a Buddhist monk on a pilgrimage to retrieve a sacred Buddhist script.

    The movie opens in Hong Kong on Thursday and in the rest of China on Friday in a bid to capture box office sales at the start of the Chinese New Year holiday period.

    It is a popular story that has been told numerous times on the small and big screen, and many actors have played the part before.

    But instead of looking to those past performances, Yen watched his young son, who was 3 years old at the time, playing at home.

    "He was hopping around from couches to couches, this sofa to that sofa, very active," Yen said. "I saw my son running around, jumping around, just acting like any other active child and I said to myself 'you know, this is the essence that I wanted to kind of preserve' ... the Monkey King's, his purity, his youth, his childhood-like, his — the whole innocence of his character."

    While it was easy to get inspiration from his son, it was not as much fun for Yen to put on the full-body monkey suit with prosthetic make up.

    "The hardest part was that once you have that full on make up, you can't eat, you can't eat normally ... and you can only drink liquids out of a straw," he said in an interview.

    Yen also denied rumours the he was no longer involved in the sequel to Ang Lee's classic martial arts film, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

    But he said the script is still being written.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  13. #28
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    This film is going to make Yen, Chow Yun Fat and Aaron Kwok IMMORTAL! Now Yen is ready for his role in CTHD!

  14. #29
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    45mil US. world wide... this might be donnies biggest hits..unfortunately all the reviews are pretty bad.

  15. #30
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    record opening

    Monkey King has record opening in China
    By Kevin Ma

    Sat, 01 February 2014, 20:45 PM (HKT)
    Box Office News

    The Monkey King 西遊記之大鬧天宮 had a record-breaking opening day at the China box office on the first day of the Lunar New Year holiday.

    Released in 3-D and IMAX 3-D, the big-budget fantasy film – based on the early chapters of Journey of the West – made RMB121 million (US$20.0 million) from 2.81 million admissions on approximately 8,600 screens. Including previews, it has made a total of RMB123 million (US$20.2 million).

    The Soi CHEANG 鄭保瑞 film, starring Donnie YEN 甄子丹, broke Iron Man 3's RMB105 million (US$17.3 million) record to set a new all-time high for opening day gross. It also set the record for the highest gross for a film on Lunar New Years day and the fastest domestic film to cross the RMB100 million (US$16.5 million) mark.

    It accounted for approximately 34.9% of all screenings nationwide.

    Where are We Going, Dad? 爸爸去哪兒, the feature film expansion of the hit reality show, also opened huge. From 2.76 million admissions, the documentary – featuring the show's original cast — made RMB88.2 million (US$14.6 million), beating Tiny Times 1 小時代 to become the best opening day gross for a Chinese 2-D film.

    At an average of 87 admissions per screening, it also secured a higher per-screening admissions than The Monkey King, which had 81 admissions per screening.

    Gambling comedy From Vegas to Macau 賭城風雲 was third-placed with RMB24.8 million (US$4.09 million) from 752,000 admissions, including previews. The CHOW Yun-fat 周潤發-starrer accounted for 19.5% of all screenings. It was reportedly the second-placed film in Hong Kong yesterday, behind Golden Chickensss 金雞sss.

    After making RMB8.06 (US$1.33 million) from single-day previews last weekend, Huayi Brothers Media Corporation 華誼兄弟傳媒股份有限公司' Ex-Files 前任攻略 opened with only RMB5.65 million (US$932,000) from 166,000 admissions yesterday. The romantic comedy, starring popular actors HAN Geng 韓庚 and Ryan ZHENG 鄭愷, accounted for only 10.4% of all screenings on opening day.

    Despite State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT) 國家新聞出版廣電總局's recent efforts to stop cinemas from under-reporting box office income, netizens have been posting photos of Monkey King and Where Are We Going, Dad? tickets with incorrect ticket price and handwritten information on Sina's Weibo microblog. On its official Weibo, distributor Beijing Enlight Pictures Co Ltd 北京光線影業有限公司 vows to closely monitor the situation.

    Last year, Stephen CHOW 周星馳's Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons 西游 降魔篇, a prequel to the Monkey King mythology, was the top film during the seven-day holiday with RMB510 million (US$84.1 million). It ends its run with RMB1.24 billion (US$204 million) on the Mainland, including a major box office takings boost on Valentine's Day.
    Still wondering if it'll play in the U.S.

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