Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
How many times have people said, 'The end is coming! Doomsday is upon us!" When the fact of the matter is that the VAST majority of people proclaiming the end will die at home in bed, or in a hospital/nursing home/hospice, hooked up to machines. Or in accidents. Meanwhile, the world goes on as usual.

There is a kind of "spiritual" narcissism involved with those who constantly predict the end times. Meaning it's coming because they say so, and they'll be here to say, "I told you so." As a bonus, they (the predictors) will be among God's 'chosen few', to be plucked up when it happens in some type of spiritual rapture. Then they'll gloat from the safety of their seats in Heaven. They believe that being a sniveling, @ss-kissing coward is the way to God's good graces.

Those types of people are not really 'spiritual' in any sense of the word. Most of those types are no more than self-righteous psychopaths, like that slimeball Harold Camping, who love feeding on the fear of nervous, gullible people.

If the end does happen to come when I'm here, I certainly will not have wasted my life living in constant dread, waiting and worrying about it.
Spot on.
Spot on indeed.