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Thread: Ng chan wing chun

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  1. #1

    ng chan


    i can tell you what i know about ng chan
    i met him first in hong kong when his close student ki ping pun introduced him to me.
    he trained me and i met some other students of him and from yip man
    for the little story ,some of them trained as well with bruce lee by the time he was student of yip man
    they wasnt the ones you know by the media but most of them was either working for the police or even for the opposite ...
    there was as well po kin wah who had the same sifu of leon tin and who was learning from ng chan
    a lot of sifu was looking to receive technics from him ,but because of his character ,very special ,he was very distant about that
    you have to know that yip man wasnt showing his technics really in public.he was visiting each of his closest students and was teaching them differents things from one to another ;ometting some very special details ,very important to be really accomplished in wing chun
    he was even mixing the wing chun that he received from the time he was in china to the one he received from the son of leun chan in hong kong (what is the authentic wing chun)
    by the way ,without looking for any polemic) ,they told me that willian cheung left hong kong to australi queit young and that the reason his basics movements are different of the one of yip man and ng chan
    ng chan was working for the bus company in hong kong when he started with yip man
    dont forget that wing chun is a style ,which one should be behind the door ,and it was absolutly out of question for yip man and ng chan to teach the very essence of the system to too much people ...

  2. #2
    Some questions about this, Moshe:

    "you have to know that yip man wasnt showing his technics really in public.he was visiting each of his closest students and was teaching them differents things from one to another ;ometting some very special details ,very important to be really accomplished in wing chun..."


    "he was even mixing the wing chun that he received from the time he was in china to the one he received from the son of leun chan in hong kong (what is the authentic wing chun)
    by the way ,without looking for any polemic) ,"

    ***I'VE ALSO HEARD THIS SAME THING FROM WILLIAM CHEUNG - that what Yip Man learned in Hong Kong from Leung Bik (the son of Leung Chan) was indeed the "real" wing chun.

    "they told me that willian cheung left hong kong to australi queit young and that the reason his basics movements are different of the one of yip man and ng chan"

    ***BUT THIS PART OF YOUR STATEMENT IS UNCLEAR? What is the reason for the differences between William Cheung's movements and those of Yip man and Ng Chan?
    Last edited by Ultimatewingchun; 04-03-2010 at 01:11 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Jersey (The real one!!)
    Interesting post Moshe.

    Even more interesting to see how this thread will turn out.

  4. #4
    ***BUT THIS PART OF YOUR STATEMENT IS UNCLEAR? What is the reason for the differences between William Cheung's movements and those of Yip man and Ng Chan?[/QUOTE]

    if you are not teached the best way ,or for the time you need to accomplished youself;
    so ,if you were too young and not enough mature to undestand the system
    or if you are missing some technics ,you will try to substitute one way or another.
    Your physic as well will influence your technics ;
    if you tall ,short ,or slim or fat ,with muscles ...
    See what happened with people who have implemented wing chun with ,grabbling ,fighting on the ground ,chi kong,shina ...
    they go far from the authentic W C
    BUT at the same time if when ,fighting against another style and as a result you see that you are not doing more than kick boxing ,you can tell yourself that you have not been teached wing chun
    and please this is not a way to offend people who train serously and honnestly ,but just to try to give you an true picture of the reality of a style that not everybody can have access to authentic one
    but this can help you to question yourselves ,to ask you question about you training and the way to improve it
    let me add something ,i have been during a while the only student of ki ping pun ,i neither paid anything ,because himself when he was leaving at ng chan house didnt pay anything.the only price that i have to provide was only to show motivation and to train serously but i receive an very classic teaching ,i neither practise repeating the same sequence of movement 20 times that an different sequence.
    i had to get familiar with a concept attached to each movement and that to be free of the movement
    and this is already the base of wing chun because if you train several time the same sequence ,its already not anymore wing chun
    wing chun try to teach to ready for any kind of situation that you will try to drive yourself but if you plane something too precise during the training you become dead and your technic is mechanic not alife like it should be
    there is neither the two same situations in fighting
    i understand that people who live from the teaching has to be abble to provide something to motivate their student but training in a mechanical way kill the system and the ability to improve above the movements

  5. #5

    There is no need to start a new thread with each of your posts, you can keep answering questions and making comments on just one thread about Ng Chan - like this thread.


    But what I'm really asking is for some details about what you see that's different in William Cheung's TWC (assuming you have seen TWC)...

    what's different about TWC's "basic movements" (as you put it earlier)...than what you've seen in Ng Chan's wing chun - and in particular, the wing chun that he (Ng Chan) got from Yip Man that came from his training in Hong Kong with Leung Bik (Leung Chan's son).

    The version of wing chun that you referred to earlier as the "authentic" wing chun.

    What are the differences between this and William Cheung's TWC?

    Please be specific.
    Last edited by Ultimatewingchun; 04-04-2010 at 01:46 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Ultimatewingchun View Post
    Please be specific.
    Don't hold your breath Victor..
    Jim Hawkins
    M Y V T K F
    "You should have kicked him in the ball_..."—Sifu

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Newcastle australia
    wow thats a new one. He was the only person to learn proper VT. So leung shueng, lok yiu, wong sun leung, tsui sun tin, yip bo ching (who I have heard was his best guy but doesn't teach) all were not taught properly. So he let people teach a ****ty version of VT using his good name.
    I think a few people have already claimed the "I was the one who learnt real ving tsun and no one else did" I think details would be helpfull to see if this just another, master of almightyness complex.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Rio Rancho New Mexico
    Benny Yip Bo Ching has been dead for a long time. Died before Yip Man. He did and didn't teach depending on your pov. He had a few friends he trained as workout partners and to help improve his wing chun but no he never had a school or officially had students.

  9. #9

    answer to question


    i have to tell you that first im in this forum because i try to be in contact with a member who said that his father was a student of ng ive been catched by the interest to inform who practise wing chun about some that i know

    anyway the more important is that people enjoy what they are doing and after to be abble to appreciate themselves ,honestly if what they are practising is answering to their expectations

    to do this ,you have two ways ,
    to test yourself with others and to check if technicly speaking (certainly not with physic strength) you drive the situation
    or to meet more sifus and to see if they have something special

    you asked me about william cheung
    the difference between his wing chun and the one of ng chan is big ,very far

    the position of the basics movements ,we can say can look close but in fact in the insight of wing chun are quite far
    the stance is different
    and the know how totally different
    i have no time to start a description of all the movements

    but i will try to explain in general and if you have a good mastering (sensation) of your body and some experience you will understand the point

    i recall you first that the strength and energy that you have to provide in wing chun has to be the one that we are expecting from a women (who doesnt try to look like a man)

    plus in wing chun when the hand launch an attack ,it has to come back only one the opponent is down and this in one movement
    but one movement in wing chun is not like boxing where your punch and the hand step back each time for the following to attack

    in wing chun the hand doents step back but when your arm meet an obstacle ,than you circulate by the shortest way (and this, as often you need) to strike the point you decide to strike
    this is called one movement because during this your sensation and strengh move on differents locations of your forearm and hand and this never stop ,if its sopped your become dead in the way of wing chun because at this moment you are not anymore driving the situation (an empty moment)
    if between each movement you stop your flow even a micro sec in you arm (like for exemple physical style of fighting when there is a break or a contraction between 2 movements ) you are not anymore practising what is making the specificty of wing chun
    so knowing that a women created this style and is abble to provide a very particular strength ,and is abble to use the opponent force as well ;she organised differents movements which ones help to create a leverage in order to deflect attacks ,to control all kind of energy in the opponent arm and to allow you to circulate without any break or stop in the flow of your movements
    this said should help anyone to keep in mind the purpose of wing chun

    simple exemple ;you do bon sao followed by tan sao like you learned ,you must feel that the transition between both kill your flow of continuous sensation and stength to control continusly an other arm
    that is not a good leverage

    i hope i have answered to your expectation ,and sorry for my english (being french)

  10. #10

    sent tou you answer

    not sure if i sent to right thread

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Los Angeles
    @ moshe Are you saying that the only good WC student was Ng Chan and that the only good WC is from Yip Man?
    Yip Man had seniors you know.
    What about the WC that Leung Jan taught when he went back to his native village of Gu Lo? Of course you know who Leung Jan was.
    Sifu Phillip Redmond
    Traditional Wing Chun Academy NYC/L.A.


  12. #12
    i dont make any judment about what is good or not
    i just say that regarding what was the style at the begining ,the one from yip man that he received from the son of leung chan is the closest to
    speaking about the way it is practised in china for example ,the wing chun of sung sun (i dont remember the exact name) ,i knew his daughter in france and practised at this time with her husband ,its is quite physical and not the same approach of the one of yip man which one is more feminine.ome reason was that sha wa chan had very strong arms ,so in this system they use a lot the larp sao
    concerning ng chan ,perhaps there is others who received the same as him ,i dont know.
    what i can tell you ,is that what they show up to their students or on their website is out of the roots and authentaticity of wing chun.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    North London, England
    I'm trying to understand your posts MOSHE but it is quite difficult!

    If I've picked up what I think I've picked up from this last one then I can see where you're coming from and can (almost) agree! If I were you I wouldn't concern yourself too much with what is available online and what is authentic.

    Wing Chun has grown far more than ANYONE expected and this does mean that it will develop in it's own way. Some for good and some not. At least you now have that scope to choose from and it sounds like you have a good grounding anyway.
    Ti Fei

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Toronto, canada
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    Hi Moshe,

    Since Ng chan's system is the leung bik version and the same as Kwok Fu's system. Can you give a detailed explanation of the bagua bo footwork concept, and how it's applied in combat?

    thanks in advance

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by kung fu fighter View Post
    Hi Moshe,

    Since Ng chan's system is the leung bik version and the same as Kwok Fu's system. Can you give a detailed explanation of the bagua bo footwork concept, and how it's applied in combat?

    thanks in advance
    I don't know whether you will get an answer. The old timers are passing on.
    Kwok Fu seems more nimble on his feet than Lun Gai- but Kwok Fu's son's wing chun is different and not noteworthy. kwok fu atleast has the angle stepping and turning in.

    joy chaudhuri

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