I finally went last night. I also saw the 3D version. It's an okay novelty I guess but 2D would have been just as enjoyable.

The actual story itself is cut and dried. You know who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. In fact it's pretty much geared towards the 12-14 year old crowd. I do wish they could have blurred the lines a little and made one of the Na'vi a villian.....however that might have confused the kids.

I did enjoy the message the movie delivered and actually compared it to Manifest Destiny conquests in the 17-18 hundreds. After seeing it I do understand why so many conservatives in this country are up in arms and saying that you hate America if you go to this movie. It hits real close to home to those people. One thing I did notice was that all the bad guys in this movie were all lilly white. There was not a black, brown, yellow face to be found anywhere. It kinda reminded me of a teabagger rally!

I did like Sigorney Weaver in this movie and though she had aged well. Finally I thought all of those Na'vi chicks were hot! They should introduce the Na'vi diet to American women!