Magic Mushrooms May Have Saved Mike Tyson from Suicide

In an Interview with Reuters, Mike Tyson, once the world’s heavyweight boxing champion, credits magic mushrooms for saving him from severe mental distress that pushed him to the brink of suicide. After starting his journey with the psychedelic, Tyson experienced a personal and career revival. Tyson has noted the profound changes in his mindset and outlook on life as one of the positive benefits of psilocybin. While he openly praises the transformative effects of psilocybin on his life, he also recognizes that the substance isn’t universally beneficial. Some people have negative reactions, including disturbing hallucinations and anxiety.(6)

Tyson often cites psilocybin as the source of the relief he found from his physical and mental struggles, which prompted him to partner with Wesana Health, a company at the forefront of studying psilocybin’s efficacy in treating traumatic brain injuries in athletes and veterans. Recently, Tyson has spoken about the significant clinical research project that has commenced in partnership with the World Boxing Council and Wesana. This project aims to open new avenues of research into the use of psilocybin for TBI. In several interviews, Tyson has also discussed using DMT, which he attributes to feeling “born again.” Tyson believes that psychedelics like DMT and psilocybin should be accessible to all and that these substances can help people struggling with mental health or lack empathy.(6, 7)

“If you put ten people in a room that don’t like each other and give them some psychedelics, they’ll be taking pictures with each other.”
– Mike Tyson – Mike Tyson Says Psychedelics Saved His Life. Reuters.
In line with his transformative experience, Tyson envisions a world where psychedelics can foster empathy and harmony, contrasting the potential effects of psychedelics with the antagonistic outcomes associated with alcohol consumption. Tyson ardently believes that having more people access controlled psychedelic experiences could lead to a more empathetic and just global community.(6, 7)

Diplo Ran a Marathon on LSD

Diplo, a renowned DJ, has attracted attention for his use of psychedelics, particularly during physical exertion. In an interview with Esquire, Diplo recounts how he ran a marathon under the influence of LSD. He says he regularly microdoses with LSD and attributes his use of the powerful psychedelic to achieving his personal best for a marathon.(8)

“It was maybe half of a tab of acid. I had a pacesetter I was with, and we were talking the whole time, and after like seven miles, I looked at my phone and was like, ‘Man, I’m doing like seven-minute miles.’ I was running really fast, but I wasn’t focusing on my body. I was having a conversation. My body started to break down by mile 17. It was the longest I had ever run, and I didn’t even notice it. I attribute that to the LSD.”
– Diplo – Diplo Has Always Felt Misunderstood, Esquire.
During an interview on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Diplo discussed other entertaining psychedelic exploits, such as when he rescued a cow while on LSD. He has also been open about using 5-MeO-DMT to calm his anxiety. Diplo’s candid stance on psychedelics contributes to a broader conversation about the legalization and acceptance of psychedelic medicine. Which have been recognized for their potential therapeutic benefits, especially in treating mental health disorders.(8, 9)

Despite the anecdotal experiences shared by individuals like Seth Rogen, Kristen Bell, Harry Styles, Mike Tyson, and Diplo, the use of psychedelics remains a complex and controversial topic. While it may be easy to dismiss anecdotal stories like these, they are important in increasing public awareness about psychedelic medicine. Celebrities are uniquely positioned to provide influence and encourage acceptance, hopefully ushering more Americans into the burgeoning “psychedelic renaissance.”

This material is not intended as a replacement or substitute for any legal or medical advice. Always consult a medical professional about your health needs. Psychedelics are widely illegal in the United States, and readers should always be informed about local, state, and federal regulations regarding psychedelics or other drugs.
I just spoke at Discovery Sessions on Bicycle Day - psychedelics have been on my mind ever since...
Psychedelic Storytime: Great Stories are a RIGHT!
Friday 3:00 PM Ride
Moderator: Maria Mangini, PhD, FNP, Gantt Galloway
Panelists: Dr. David Smith, Gene Ching