August 05, 2009
Kung fu Transformers

You may have thought that Michael Bay had the monopoly on mechanical mayhem in his blockbuster Transformers movies; but the Internet has been abuzz this week over the trailer for the brilliantly named Kung Fu Cyborg that shows he’s not the only one who can bring loud explosions and slow motion fight scenes to the people.
Made by Hong Kong film-maker Jeffrey Lau, the film is tagged as a “martial arts sci-fi comedy” and it’s difficult to glean anything else from the trailer other than this will be some kind of love story with an awful lot of robots high-kicking the carburettors out of each other. It looks suitably crazy though and Lau, who was a producer on the highly enjoyable Kung Fu Hustle, has some pedigree with action/comedy so this could be a lot of fun. And isn’t that really what we want from a movie about giant robots?

Whatever the case it’s certainly value for money, costing a mere $14million to make; a fraction of the reported $200million Bay spent on his high-tech alternative to drying paint.
Metallic Attraction: Kungfu Cyborg Full Trailer Here's that trailer again, now on YouTube. This trailer has got to have the worst dubbing ever. That makes me want to see this even more.