The above is my previously titled 'log. Thanks to Mr. Punch for the idea to retitle it.



Warm-up, then

Goblet Squat (dumbbell held at neck level): 3x8 - 40, 50, 60
Hyperextension bench: 3x8 - bodyweight

Forward Angle Lunges: 2x8 - 20s, 20s

[Triple Set]
Neutral-Grip Pull-Ups: 6x8
Alternating-Arm Overhead Dumbbell Press: 3x8 - 40s, 45s, 45s
Kneeling Cable Crunch: 3x8 - 160, 170, 180
[/triple set]

{{the above is done as: 1 set, chins, 1 set, press, chins, crunch, chins, press, etc}}

One-Arm Cable Face Pull: 3x8 - 30, 40, 40
Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 2x8 - 10s, 12s

Followed by 15 minutes upper and lower body stretching


This is the last of my Xx8 cycle, carried over from last year. Next lift (wednesday) will be 5x5, will carry on like that for about 6-8 weeks. Might switch sooner, though, if I start feeling it in my joints.