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Thread: Plague

  1. #1
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.


    This can't be good...
    Deadly flesh-eating infection spreading at record levels in Japan, puzzling health officials

    By Social Links for Patrick Reilly
    Published March 24, 2024, 2:17 a.m. ET

    A rare, deadly flesh-eating bacterial infection is mysteriously spreading at a record rate in Japan, according to officials.

    Japan is expecting to see a large increase in cases of streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS), which has a 30% fatality rate and is most often caused by the bacteria called group A streptococcus, The Japan Times reported.

    The surge in case numbers has medical experts scratching their heads and urging people to wash their hands and thoroughly clean their wounds to curb its spread.

    A scanning electron micrograph of group A streptococcus bacteria.
    US National institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

    “There are still many unknown factors regarding the mechanisms behind fulminant (severe and sudden) forms of streptococcus, and we are not at the stage where we can explain them,” Japan’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID) told The Guardian.

    The NIID reported recorded 941 confirmed cases of STSS in 2023. In the first two months of 2024, 378 cases have already been recorded, infecting patients in all but two of Japan’s 47 prefectures.

    Although there’s been an average of just 100-200 cases per year since the STSS was first identified in the country in 1992, that number soared to a record high of 894 cases in 2019.

    Most cases of STSS are caused by streptococcus pyogenes, more commonly known as strep A, which can cause sore throats mainly in children but many people carry it without becoming sick.

    The bacteria is highly contagious and can lead to serious illness and death in adults over the age of 30, with older people at greater risk, according to NIID.

    The NIID reported recorded 941 confirmed cases of STSS in 2023.

    The group A strain is now leading to more deaths in patients under 50, the agency said, with 21 of the 65 people under age 50 diagnosed with STSS between July and December 023 dying, according to Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbum.

    In advanced stages, STSS can cause necrosis of connective tissues covering the muscles and even organ failure. Patients are prescribed antibiotics, but the tissue must be removed in serious cases, health officials said.

    In the first two months of 2024, 378 cases have already been recorded, infecting patients in all but two of Japan’s 47 prefectures.
    NurPhoto via Getty Images

    Some health officials blame Japan’s lifting of pandemic restrictions after cases of COVID-19 tapered off.

    “We want people to take preventative steps such as keeping your fingers and hands clean, and exercising cough etiquette,” Japan’s Health minister Keizo Takemi told reporters earlier this year.
    Not Coronavirus-(COVID-19)-Wuhan-Pneumonia, fearable-bird-flu, TCM-and-SARS or Bubonic-plague
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #2
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Monkey Pox

    Why the mpox outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo is worrying disease docs

    MARCH 27, 20245:00 AM ET
    By Gabrielle Emanuel

    The palms of a patient with mpox during an outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1997. The country is now seeing a dramatic spike in mpox — with a strain that is deadlier than the one that sparked the global outbreak in 2022.
    CDC/BSIP/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

    "It's just a matter of time, if nothing is done, that the transmission crosses the border in the African region and, again, globally," says Dr. Jean Nachega, an epidemiologist at the University of Pittsburgh.

    Nachega is one of a number of public health experts expressing alarm over a major outbreak of mpox – formerly called monkeypox – in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

    They say the current situation represents a triple threat.

    First, the DRC is seeing record numbers. About 400 suspect cases are reported each week – the majority in children. Second, the strain of the virus that's circulating is especially deadly, with up to 1 in every 10 people who get the virus dying. And third, the virus is behaving differently. Scientists say it is not only surfacing in new areas and new populations (including sex workers), but it's also spreading in new ways – including sexually – and evading diagnostic tests.

    Together these issues have made it more urgent – and also more complicated – for the global health community to respond, say mpox specialists.

    "For measles, we know what to do. For cholera, we know what to do. For polio, we know what to do. These are things that have been around for a long time. For mpox, a lot of the elements are new," says Dr. Rosamund Lewis, the World Health Organization's technical lead and emergency manager for mpox. "And we don't yet have all the countermeasures in place that we need in place."

    A dramatic spike in cases
    Last year, the DRC recorded more than 14,500 suspected cases of mpox, and more than 650 deaths. Those figures dwarf previous years – and the numbers continue to rise. In the first two months of this year, there have been more than 3,500 suspected mpox cases and more than 250 deaths.

    At this point, the majority of the cases follow a pattern that has become well-established over the past few decades: The outbreaks happen in remote villages in densely forested areas of the north and central DRC. They typically start when the virus jumps from an animal to a person. Imagine a child catching a rodent or a parent cooking bushmeat. And from there, the virus can spread within a household or a community, often through skin-to-skin contact or through contact with shared surfaces, like a bed sheet or towel.

    For some, the mpox virus is mild – causing a few lesions. For others, it can be devastating: fever, malaise and painful lesions all over the hands, face and torso – and even death.

    "People are very ill, and there's certainly a risk of dying from it or having long-term consequences," says Dr. Anne Rimoin, a professor of epidemiology at UCLA's Fielding School of Public Health who has spent 22 years working on mpox in the DRC.

    The strain of the virus that's common in the DRC is called Clade I and it's 10 times more deadly than Clade II, which is found in West Africa and caused the global outbreak. (The nomenclature "Clade" is a scientific way to indicate the strains have a common ancestor.) And with Clade I, about two-thirds of the cases in the DRC are in children under the age of 15.

    Lewis, of the WHO, says this could be because many adults have been exposed and acquired some immunity. Plus, anyone who received the smallpox vaccine has some immunity. That vaccine was administered before the disease was eradicated in 1980.

    "We've heard about outbreaks in schools. It behaves very much the way other childhood viruses behave," Lewis says. "But we see that high, high death rates are in children. And that is very concerning." So far in 2024, 87% of mpox deaths have been among children under 15 years old.

    Experts say it's unclear exactly why there's been such an increase in cases. "I think it's too early to say what exactly is happening here," Rimoin says.

    With the number of cases and the number of children impacted, many experts worry about regional spread. Earlier this month, more than 40 mpox infections were reported on the other side of the Congo River in the Republic of Congo. But, so far, Lewis says, it's unclear if those cases came from the DRC, since mpox is endemic in both countries.
    continued next post
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  3. #3
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    Continued from previous post

    A tougher version of mpox
    In addition to focusing on children, experts are closely tracking a new situation that doesn't fit the traditional mpox story. Attention has been focused on the gold-rich city of Kamituga in the South Kivu province, which never used to have mpox cases.

    "It's a rich region where there are several minerals and thousands of workers working in this mining setting," explains Nachega of the University of Pittsburgh. "We have some recent evidence showing that some miners are circulating this virus and it's been documented also in sex workers."

    This is concerning for two reasons, he says. First, the more virulent strain of the virus that's present in the DRC – Clade I – was never known to transmit sexually until a few months ago. Now, this type of spread is firmly established. Second, many of the miners are transient, and many families in the area are on the move too, fleeing violence from ongoing strife.

    "This population is highly mobile," says Nachega, noting that when people move viruses move with them and Kamituga is not far from Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda and Tanzania. "We are calling for urgent reinforcement."

    He would like to see the DRC and the international community act quickly, improving everything from surveillance to case management. Fast action is especially important when it comes to testing and vaccination, he says.

    Tests that might not work
    About 90% of the mpox cases in the DRC are not confirmed by a laboratory test. That's because in a country of over 100 million, there are only two labs that do mpox PCR – or polymerase chain reaction – testing.

    "You need to collect specimens from the skin and they have to transit [the sample] hundreds of kilometers across very rough roads or down rivers to arrive at the national lab," explains the WHO's Lewis. "There are, as of yet, no fully validated rapid tests. Lots of research is being done on molecular tests, on protein-based tests, but they're not yet at a stage where they can be widely deployed."

    She says the result is that most diagnoses are based solely on symptoms, which is problematic. In the forested part of the country, mild mpox can look like chickenpox or measles. In the mining community where it's sexually transmitted, the virus needs to be distinguished from herpes, syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases.

    On top of all that, the specific strain circulating in the mining community has evolved, as viruses do. The part of the genome which the PCR test targets is not present in the current strain.

    "So, it's possible to miss the diagnosis," says Lewis. However, she adds that the national lab can adjust to this new reality with testing that reveals the broad type of virus – an orthopoxvirus – and then genome sequencing. The WHO is working to get the word out to neighboring countries.

    Vaccine hurdles
    Vaccines were a major piece of the strategy during the global mpox outbreak in 2022. However, the DRC government has not authorized use of any of the three vaccines available for mpox – nor has any other African government.

    "The need is great," said Lewis. "Everybody wants it to happen very quickly but, at the same time, it has to be done carefully and with quality discussions and quality information." She said she expects it to be several more months, at a minimum, before vaccines arrive in the country.

    When the global outbreak happened two years ago, vaccines used for mpox were still relatively new. It was only within the last 10 years – and, in some cases, the last couple years – that places like North America, Japan and Europe approved them. One vaccine used in the U.S. is roughly 82% effective with two doses.

    But the data about effectiveness comes from healthy adults in high-income settings. Earlier this month, the WHO's advisory group on immunizations grappled with how this data would apply to children and to adults who may be malnourished or face a different health profile than the one seen in high-income countries. The group ultimately recommended an off-label use in children, given the large number of kids affected by mpox in the DRC.

    "The group has been struggling to issue a policy recommendation because there is such a lack of data," says Joachim Hombach, executive secretary of the advisory group.

    Several nations have offered to donate doses, and one vaccine manufacturer has drawn up plans to scale up production.

    However, experts say, even if an mpox vaccine is licensed, a target population is decided on and supply issues are ironed out, it would still not be easy for the DRC.

    "Congo is going through, I think at this point, it must be going through eight or ten different epidemics," says Dr. Michael Ryan, executive director of the WHO's Health Emergency Programme, noting that the country is dealing with measles, cholera, plague and anthrax, among other diseases. "We also have a deep amount of instability in the east of Congo – the peacekeeping operation has shut down there and there are many, many armed groups operating. So ... a very difficult area in which to run any form of health operation, particularly any form of vaccination."

    But, he says, the stakes are too high not to take up the challenge of controlling the current mpox outbreak in the DRC.

    "This bug is badder and it's more virulent," says Ryan. "We really do need to keep a very, very close eye on it."
    Didn't expect to be updating this thread so soon. But I did expect to update it.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #4
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    herpes virus B

    Hong Kong issues health alert after man, 37, catches deadly 'herpes virus B' from infected MONKEY and fights for his life in hospital
    The man caught the virus after being attacked by a monkey in a country park
    He was rushed to the ER and is now in a 'critical condition'

    PUBLISHED: 10:41 EDT, 5 April 2024 | UPDATED: 11:10 EDT, 5 April 2024

    Hong Kong has issued a health alert after a man caught a rare and deadly virus from a monkey bite.

    The man, 37, reportedly caught the virus after being attacked during his visit to Kam Shan Country Park, also known as monkey hill, in late February.

    The man was rushed to the ER due to fever and reduced consciousness level. He is now in the intensive care unit and is in a 'critical' condition.

    This is the first human infection of monkey virus B, also known as herpes simiae virus, recorded in Hong Kong, but cases have been reported previously in the US, Canada, mainland China and Japan.

    Hong Kong's Centre for Health Protection has warned the general public to avoid touching or feeding wild monkeys to lower the risk of catching the virus.

    The man reportedly caught the virus after being attacked by a monkey during his visit to Kam Shan Country Park, also known as monkey hill, in late February (stock image)

    People can get infected if they are bitten or scratched by an infected macaque monkey (stock image), have contact with the monkey's eyes, nose, or mouth

    The man had otherwise been in good health, according to a statement published on the Hong Kong government’s website, and was admitted to the hospital on March 21.

    On Wednesday, fluid from his spine tested positive for B virus.

    According to the CDC, the virus is extremely rare, but can lead to severe brain damage or death if it is not treated rapidly.

    Senators probe Fauci-run virus lab in Montana where US scientists were infecting bats with Covid-like viruses in 2018

    Senators are demanding answers about a laboratory in Montana where US taxpayer money was used to manipulate coronaviruses before the pandemic.

    Herpes B virus kills around 70 percent of sufferers if they are not diagnosed and treated promptly.

    People can get infected if they are bitten or scratched by an infected macaque monkey, have contact with the monkey's eyes, nose, or mouth.

    Macaque monkeys are commonly infected by the virus but do not show symptoms.

    Symptoms in people begin as typical flu-like symptoms, including fever and chills, muscle ache, fatigue and headache. Other signs can include nausea and shortness of breath.

    People can develop small blisters in the wound or area that has been in contact with the monkey.

    Symptoms usually start within a month of being exposed to an infected monkey, but they could appear as quickly as three days.

    There has only been one case of an infected person spreading B virus to another person.

    Herpes B virus is naturally found in the saliva, urine and stool of macaques, which are frequently found in Hong Kong, according to the CDC.

    There is currently no vaccine for herpes B.

    The virus belongs to the herpes family. There are more than 100 known herpesviruses, but eight routinely infect only humans.

    Since the virus was discovered in 1932, there have been 50 documented human cases. Roughly two thirds of occurred in the US. Of the 50 cases, 21 were fatal.

    The virus can be treated with anti-viral medications. Sometimes antiretroviral therapy is used, depending on the condition of the macaque monkey, how well and how rapidly the wound was cleaned and the nature of the wound.

    Herpes B virus kills around 70 percent of sufferers unless they are treated immediately.

    It is spread via macaque monkeys.

    Macaques that are housed in primate facilities usually become infected by adulthood but often have no symptoms.

    Infection in humans is extremely rare.

    Since the virus was discovered in 1932, there have been 50 documented human cases, of which 21 were fatal.

    Most of these infections resulted from animal bites or scratches, or from contaminated materials, such as a needle, entering broken skin.

    However, a scientist died in 1997 after being splashed in the eye with an infected animal's bodily fluid.

    Vets and lab workers are most at risk.

    The herpes B virus can survive for hours on objects, particularly if they are moist.

    Disease onset usually occurs within a month of virus exposure but can be as little as three days.

    Symptoms include:

    Blisters at the site of exposure
    Pain, numbness or itching at the site
    Flu-like aches and pains
    Fever and chills
    Headaches that last more than a day
    Poor co-ordination
    Shortness of breath
    If the virus is not treated immediately and therefore enters the central nervous system, most patients die even with treatment.

    The most common cause of death is respiratory failure with paralysis, which starts in the lower limbs and moves up.

    The few who survive often have lasting brain damage.

    If a person suspects they may be infected, preventative anti-viral therapy may be required up to five times a day for two weeks.

    Treatment depends on whether the central nervous system is thought to be affected but usually involves anti-viral drugs given intravenously twice-a-day.

    There is no vaccine for herpes B.

    Those who work with macaque monkeys should wear proper protective clothing, including gloves and a face shield.

    The animals should also be handled humanely to reduce the risk of bites and scratches.

    Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention
    This thread really took off.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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