My dentist is a kung fu guy - an eagle claw specialist - good for pulling teeth.
Kung fu gold for Castle Hill dentist
05 Apr 10 @ 03:43pm by BRIAN KARLOVSKY

CASTLE Hill resident Michael Fong is not your average dentist.

Take one look at him performing his spinning-thunder-kick and you will understand why.

The former world martial arts champion (2000) is an expert in kung fu and recently won two gold medals at the legendary Shaolin temple in Quangzhou, China.

He won first place in the weapons category (using a broad sword) and a first prize in the Mens Wu Chu open Form.

Fong, 37, who was first taught by his father when he was four years old said: “Kung fu just runs in the blood for my family.”

Fong teaches a class of 50 every Friday at Baulkam Hills Community Hall and has won over 35 international, national and state martial arts tournaments.

He claims to be able hold down an opponent with only two fingers, using inner energy called “fung” and said his sifu, or teacher James Chee,50, could make a person faint without even touching them using the next level of energy called “chee”.

“It might sound incredible,” he said. “When I first started I thought this can’t be real but it is, if you find a genuine master.”

Fong told The Hills Shire Times he was personally selected by the late Grandmaster Chee Kim Thong to teach the “Open Mountain” kung fu form back to the chief instructor of the southern Shaolin Temple in Quanzhou, China. Originally from Shaolin, the “Open Mountain” form was one of many disciplines lost when the southern Shaolin temple was razed by Qing dynasty warlords.

After practising a traditional sytle of kung fu called Shaolin Wu Chuan for over 20-years, Fong hopes to one day be able to move his opponent by “chee” alone - like his master. Fong said disciples of kung fu get stronger as they get older and he said he looks forward to moving an opponent without touching him.