This is to let folks in the N.E. Ohio area know that there are Classes in Choy li fut being conducted
4 times per week. With some reluctance I have decided to open these classes to the public. With the permission of my teacher Sifu David Carr, and Grandmaster Wong Doc Fai.

This is my 35 year of kung fu study, the last 25 years I have devoted to the study of Northern Praying Mantis. But the Choy li Fut
I learned in my younger years has never left me, "due to its excellent training methods".
If you are in the Akron area or other parts of N.E. Ohio it's worth a stop by and see what I'm sure you will think may be one of the most interesting and hardest training sessions being conducted in the area. It's not for everybody, It is "very hard". Choy Li fut is known for its long endurance incredible footwork and its idea of your fist being like a steel ball on the end of a bullwhip. The nice thing about Choy Li Fut is that anybody can learn it, and it gives a person incredible body power. It is said sometimes that Choy Li Fut is the quick road to kung fu proficency. My students enjoy it.

I would be interested in feedback from this post from some of the locals or anyone else.

Mike Biggie
Northern Praying Mantis Shaolin Boxing Academy
1155 Canton Rd.
Akron, Ohio 44312

330-798-0144 Cell 330-697-0398
Tuesday: 8:30-9:30 PM, Thursday 6:30-7:30 PM Saturdays 10:30-1:00 PM again from 4:00 PM- 5:00 PM Saturday afternoon