GA - "and the socialist brand is bad why ?"

Because it stifles creativity and eliminates incentive to improve. In every instance (save perhaps war) history and common sense shows government to be completely inferior to private industry and a free market.

Hospitals don't turn people away in the U.S., they just bill you regardless of your ability to pay.
It's my understanding that socialized medicine in Germany looks at, for example, the relative merit of giving a 60 year old treatment for cancer. I'm not comfortable with government having the power to make those kinds of determinations.

The best doctors in my town are French-Canadian. They left Canada when they realized what a rip-off socialized medicine was for truly brilliant and accomplished doctors. Why work hard to do well in Canada? The government forces you to take a predetermined amount for what you do...the SAME predetermined amount Dr. Jacques down the street makes and he flunked out of med school 4 times before finally getting a license.

Check the stats of U.S. hospitals along the Canadian AND Mexican border.
Hospitals along the Mexican border are having to close down because of the huge numbers of illegals walking in for healthcare and never paying the bill. No one is being turned away, that's free healthcare.
Also, it is my understanding that hospitals along the Canadian border are pretty consistantly full with patients seeking to PAY for superior healthcare. And where do you imagine the Canadian drug industry would be without it's ability to take the research done by U.S. drug companies? The dirty secret is that U.S. drug companies (charging U.S. citizens huge amounts) are propping up Canada's socialized drug industry.

GA - "and compared to bill O'reily we got u beat hands down".

Bill O'Reilly is a commentator, he doesn't represent himself as an unbiased newsman any more than does Rush Limbaugh. However, I do think FoxNews leans right...just as I feel the BBC leans left.