He should make a reality show out of it or at least a documentary.

The tuition is S90,000 over 5 years, so you're family doesn't have to be that rich. But at 17-22 your family has to really support your kung fu aspirations. And 10 years is alot longer commitment than college. Doctors don't spend that much time in school. Plus being totally cut off from the world for 9 months at a time,... is he making kung fu masters or uni-bombers?

I've been toying around with the idea of a kung fu university type thing. Not that I'm in any position to pull it off. At the most basic level it would be a live-in gym, where you train for 8+ hours a day. Kind of like how they do with gymnasts. Recruit a some experienced instructors, for variety. But I'd put mine near a populated area. Some distractions are good.

Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming has a really admirable goal though, and I'd like to see more kung fu men try less ambitious projects.