Quote Originally Posted by pops
I am very skilled in bjj,kozen judo,kickboxing.
i am aware ther are con men out ther.Hey if it does not work it is not worth learning.And I am no fool wheen it comes to martial arts,But I do want to learn wudang martial arts,
Thank you
Well if you find the Wudang martial arts, please let us know, but there is likely no need for you to go to China to study what they call 'Wudang martial arts'. Now it is just a tourist trap that charges you a lot of $$$ because they are trying to make money off of the Hollywood Wudang wushu movie craze.

Same with the Shaolin temple. If you want to learn the Shaolin type forms, just go to Shaolin-Do.

If you want to learn Wudang martial arts, most of the martial arts there came from other places, but I'm told there was a particular style of bagua that actually came from Wudang, but the last grandmaster was killed by the Communists years ago, and nobody can find any of his students, so you can probably save your $$$.

But if you really find it, please let us know.