Just out of curiosity, some Canadians told me that in Canada the Hindostani are looked to as big time crime bosses, as the Sicilian Mafia was in America. Does that hold any water? It doesn't seem right to me because they make it sound like India is a land ruled by regional warlords who buy the politicians, and make their mountains of money growing the narcotic plants that are harvested, processed and eventually sold here in the U.S. and other countries. It just seems that if that were really the case, Indians and Pakistani's would have the tough guy reputation, rather than being expected to do so well in school and medicine. "Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle" wouldn't have been so popular if those stereotypes didn't exist to parody. Right?

Quote Originally Posted by b82rez View Post
To be honest, I find it very difficult to listen to the "my life sucks" type of excuses that people proclaim as reasons for criminal behavior. I may have been raised comfortably but my parents were not. They came over from India with not much more than determination and worked HARD for everything they earned. At college, I was lucky enough to meet several friends who themselves were from disadvantaged backgrounds, but who worked HARD and made it for themselves.

How come they decided to be legit while their peers decided to sell drugs?

On the other side of the world (China, India), the majority of society is content with living simply. People will work hard and honest even if it's just for the next meal.

Whatever the causes, people in this country are (for the most part) always looking for the easy way out (yeah yeah, profit maximization, I'm not just speaking economically).

lunghushan: You got another thing coming if you think one drunken night in a county jail gives you insight into the criminal mind. And the economic situation in China, India, Africa, South America, etc, etc is FAR WORSE than it is in this country. At least in this county, if you want a meal or a place to sleep chances are you can find one.

You know if someone really is trying to make ends meet...all laws should be obeyed, money should NOT be spent on alcohol or drugs but should be saved for investment or for things like License Renewals. Excuses are for stalling, not for solving anything.

DJ said enough about the HA to explain why promotion of their organization is bad. MA is about self-discipline and understanding yourself and your relation to others in a more peaceful and complete manner. HA represents the opposite...it has no place here.

Oh...and NO, KFM should not showcase criminal fighters who hurt people for their own pleasure or purpose. But if you want to analyze competition fighters who may have had criminal pasts...that might be different.