at least for the lastfew years it seems like there is never a great gap between issues containing at least one wing chun / ving tsun / _ing _un article. They are compelled to broadcast their opinions on the natural superiority of wing chun to all other arts. God forbid we should forget about that... One good thing about wing chun: at least there are a few people out there who don't want to kick me in the head . See, now what reason would i possibly have to know that, that is proof positive that there is actually too much material on wing chun out there. It's like Paris & Nicole et al, I don't hire hookers so why do I even know their names ??

"Tan Tui was selected as the basic kung fu lesson for learning advanced level kung fu." by the Chin Woo founders. So at least that is sort of a compromise. They do use the word basic a lot. Incidentally I didn't see much mentioned in the way of applications other than passing mention of a two-man form...everything is basic if you don't study the applications imo because then you are just performing a series of motions. So maybe I will join you in a cup of tazo zen tea, my liver is getting a little warmer as well. I did enjoy seeing something on tan tui though, it is an important part of our practice at the school I go to and we perform it with rings on to help condition ourselves, it really has made an impact on my strength.

The interview with Jet Li was interesting. Sure, he had things he wanted to mention. I wish he had gone into more depth on the religious training (Buddhist indoctrination) he got. I wonder if the interview was conducted in English--some of it seems a little choppy on Jet's end. He seemed honest and forthright, I thought. It seems kind of sad at first that he will not be training any pupils, but on the other side of the coin, you really have to respect someone having the honesty to realize that they would not make a good teacher... there are already too many teachers out there who are doing a disservice to their students by teaching when they are not suited for the task whether it's a matter of enthusiasm, personality type, depth of commitment, or that their own knowledge is incomplete.

I wanted to say that I really enjoyed the Sep/Oct issue...Not to be too much of an @ss but if you're going to cap on a particular issue of KFM shouldn't it have been the March/APril ?? sorry Big G!

I think KFM remains worhtwhile and at the top of its genre, just my .02.
Appreciating the effort ... b_d