Hi folks,

Got some pics and articles from old magazines that you might like.

1. GM Chiu Chuk Kai – this is for you Robert. Got a bunch of pictures/articles about your style featuring forms etc. If you like, I could scan all and send them to you. In return, you send me a crate of Canadian beer hahaha…

2. Hak Fu Mun. Article talks about history and the 10 Animals form of HFM.

3. Iron ruler from Southern Tai Chor. This Sifu is Taiwanese.

4. Chu Gar Praying Mantis.

5. Very interesting Hap Gar article. According to this article, Hap Gar doesn’t do any form only but only 16 techniques in various permutations.

Some articles are clipped because this site allows max 100kb attachment.
