Quote Originally Posted by Merryprankster

Whatever else ST00 is, "internet" tough guy is not one of them. He's the real deal as far as skills - very solid - and very much WYSIWYG. He is EXACTLY the way in real life as he is on the internet. Some may find this difficult to handle; I find that sort of honesty refreshing.

I personally cannot say the same thing about me. The vid clips I have posted of my competitions in the past were actually of somebody else. I am, in fact, an overweight, pimply teenager with a "furry" anime fetish and hygiene problems.

Based on my own training w/ST00, if Abel wins (by something other than a 'lucky' shot) what it actually proves is that he is a good fighter, and the better man for however long that day.

And my use of "lucky" is not pejoritive. I could get lucky against Chuck Liddel in the first few seconds of a fight. It wouldn't tell us anything about my skill level or his. It's just one of those things that happens in fighting sometimes.
jebas merry, sounds like you want to down him and brown him before he can throw you and blow you for cripes sake.

ST00 has been "internet tough guy" #6 around here for as long as I can remember. So maybe he's legit now, but simple fact is, throwing out challenges in internet forums = internet tough guy. If it happens it happens, if not, oh well, I'm still gonna send my donation to ccf and you can all have a group hug. Be naked if you like even. YOu know, all casual and relaxed. lol