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Thread: Celebrities studying martial arts?

  1. #451
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    sad day

    APRIL 2024 ISSUE
    The Martial Arts Pro Who Taught FKA Twigs How To Wield A Sword
    14 March 2024

    Jeff Kravitz

    You can see FKA twigs pulling all manner of shapes for British Vogue’s April issue cover shoot, but what you don’t see are the sword-wielding martial arts skills (alongside pole practice, choreography and other types of dance) that keep her body in peak physical condition. Her music videos are yet another reminder of the incredible body work the artist does in her spare tcime – when she’s not busy producing acclaimed albums.

    One of the most intriguing elements in her workout routine (if you can call it that – this requires much more skill than simply taking to the treadmill), is her penchant for Wushu, the Chinese term for “martial arts”. “Its roots are in Chinese martial arts, but it encompasses different types of styles, including kung fu, Tai Chi and other traditional forms,” explains Samuel Mak, twigs’s instructor and a World Junior Wushu Champion. While the sport is recognised by the Olympics’ governing body, it’s not yet an Olympic sport, although it will feature in the junior Olympics in a couple of years time – “a big step for the sport”.

    There are different forms of Wushu – Taolu and Sanda – and Mak specialises in the former. “You do a routine and get marked on your performance, based on the skills you display and mistakes you make,” he says. “Sanda, meanwhile, is about combat and is a mixture of kickboxing and wrestling.” Taolu is choreographed and made up of certain movements, such as tornado kicks, twists, punches, aerial cartwheels, jumping and – here’s where it gets spicy – sword and spear work. You might have seen twigs spinning swords about on Instagram – Mak had something to do with that.

    The pair have worked together since 2019, when she was gearing up to film her music video for “Sad Day”. “The concept was to have a Wushu element to it, but it was set in a grimy east London location. She’d already trained in Wushu before, but that’s when I came on board and choreographed that whole music video with her and the director,” he explains. “Since then, she’s wielded Wushu swords in her performances, so we just carried on training together.” The pair have worked on three music videos – including “Don’t Judge Me” with Headie One and “Measure Of A Man” – incorporating different styles of martial arts, including flowy Tai Chi movements and, of course, some “sword stuff”.

    It doesn’t look easy – in fact I think I speak for us all when I say it looks dangerous. “The sword stuff is tough,” Mak agrees – and he’s someone who started practising from the age of three, and was holding a sword by the age of six. “I didn’t pick up a sword for two or three years, having done all the basics – you need coordination, movement and body control. There’s a whole process you go through before you even think about picking up a sword.”

    That was not the case for twigs, though, whose extensive training as a dancer meant she already had “amazing control over her body and her extension, and understands choreography so can pick things up really quickly”. She took an accelerated path to sword-dom, doing complicated moves during a solid six months of extensive training for that first music video. “She put a lot of time, effort and commitment into it, which is why she achieves the things she does on film – you’d be hard pushed to find any other artists with her diverse skill set,” says Mak.

    I ask Mak what benefits Wushu can offer in terms of mental wellbeing. (It strikes me that martial arts have long been connected with resilience, strength and fortitude, as well as balancing a calm, rational mind with an energetic one.) He calls it his “happy space”, a sport that he can get lost in, achieving a “flow state”, as they call it. Linked to good mental health, flow state can be achieved when we’re completely focused on something, so much so that nothing else matters. It’s moving mindfulness. “The hardest part is getting into flow state for competition, but the last World Championships I went to in November, I was able to be in flow state for the competition, and performed the best I ever have – everything just disappears,” he says.

    As twigs continues to grow her own skill set, the pair are now beyond practising the basics and exploring combinations of moves. “She’s at a point where she understands all the basics, so it’s about exploring her style and expression and how that manifests into Wushu,” he says. “How does she want to move? And what style? Then we put that into a sequence.” Sword or no sword, it’s impressive stuff.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #452
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    I was invited to a screener for Monkey Man

    Unforunately, it's tonight and I cannot make it.

    Dev Patel’s Journey from Real Martial Arts Medalist to Monkey Man Badass
    Exclusive: We chat with Dev Patel about injecting his own history, passion, money, and ultimately physical well-being into bringing Monkey Man to the screen.

    By David Crow
    April 3, 2024

    Photo: Universal Pictures
    Before he became a professional actor, Dev Patel was a competitive martial artist. Really. The British-born son of Indian immigrants took up Taekwondo at the age of 10 in a neighborhood dojo where he’d go on to earn a black belt. Furthermore, only three years prior to his breakout on the TV series Skins, young Patel won a bronze medal at the Action International Martial Arts World Championships in Dublin. It was a defining moment in his youth. It was also something—he concedes on the other side of completing his first action film, the ferocious Monkey Man—which has always been in the back of his mind.

    “I learned so much about how to channel my energy and how to find discipline, and it was amazing,” Patel tells us after the film’s rapturous world premiere at the SXSW Film Festival. “So [I knew] if I ever had the opportunity to make a story and talk about stuff that meant a lot to me, or talk about something of depth, I thought ‘I can use that genre.’”

    It is true the martial arts genre, or action films in general, can be elastic. Even simple tales of revenge and primal justice offer a myriad of motivations, either fanciful or grounded. To Patel what matters is the trauma behind the action. Still when he thinks back to his early beginnings, he’s struck by the lessons that would inform—or haunt—his directorial debut in Monkey Man.

    “I remember where I used to train, there used to be this thing on the wall that said: ‘Train Hard. Fight Easy,’” Patel says with a dawning, faintly exhausted smile. “That’s true, man. It’s all in the prep… But with this, it was a lot of prep and throwing it all out the window at the last minute and adapting.”

    The making of Monkey Man was, indeed, a marathon ordeal where Patel’s opponent wasn’t another fighter, be it in an arena or an onscreen slum. It was rather every single hazard a filmmaker could face: The loss of multiple days of work after video cards were corrupted; your star (who was also Patel) enduring multiple injuries like a broken hand and a foot; and, oh yes, the COVID shutdown occurring during what was supposed to be the first week of filming.

    Patel recalls vividly standing in the middle of one of the most crowded neighborhoods of Mumbai when the word came down in March 2020 that there was going to be a delay on principal photography.

    “I remember that moment because I was there for a couple more days,” Patel says, “and we thought, ‘Ah, this is going to be fine.’ And then a few days in it, it was like 28 Days Later in Mumbai. There was no traffic on the roads. The fog had cleared. It was empty. And I literally got out on the last seat of the last flight out. The film had died at that point.”

    Monkey Man was a movie that survived and was born out of catastrophe, and each day Patel found a chance to film a few scenes, or simply a few camera setups, became a victory. In the end, most of the movie was shot in Indonesia after Patel convinced financiers that “I can do it; I’ve been there, it’s amazing; a perfect fit.” (He had never stepped foot in Indonesia in his life.) But even then Patel would eventually wind up buying a camera with his own money and flying back to India on the other side of the pandemic to pick up a few key moments. “I needed to get a bit of India in the texture, so I snuck off in my edit and shot some stuff and sequences and folded that in,” he adds.

    The result is a movie that is not quite what he initially had in mind. For instance, the film’s entire opening sequence—where we’re introduced to Patel as “the Monkey” in an underground fight club run by a scuzzy South African expat played by Patel’s real-life buddy, Sharlto Copley—was reinvented on the fly after the realities of moving the production to Indonesia.

    “It had an entirely different beginning,” says Patel. “We couldn’t shoot the first 15 pages of the script because we had to lose a bunch of money because of the COVID restrictions. It took a big chunk out of our budget to quarantine every actor for two weeks. So I couldn’t shoot the opening I had, so I had to figure out a different way to fall into the movie and that had a knock-on effect.” It ultimately informed why Monkey Man is interspersed with flashbacks throughout its running time, which illuminate the protagonist’s trauma.

    Through all that actual filmmaking trauma, however, has arisen a movie pulsating with passion and energy befitting its hero—as well as that kid in the UK looking up at a poster that says “Train Hard. Fight Easy.” The finished movie is so kinetic, in fact, that after Netflix passed on the material, Jordan Peele and his Monkeypaw Productions label jumped in and happily finished the film, championing it to a theatrical release.

    Standing on the other side, Patel more than once has likened the experience to being Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, a movie where her character is initially dismissed by a fashionable (and snooty) boutique shop due to her supposed low class appearance. Later on she shows back up with a platinum credit card.

    “To have an opportunity to have your first film play in the cinema and not be lost in the kind of swamp of streaming is amazing,” Patel marvels. And what made him realize he had such a crowdpleaser on his hands was a group of Monkeypaw executives, plus Peele, sitting around and watching sequences as insanely violent and spectacular as Patel’s hero—upon having his arms constrained—deciding to use his teeth to wield a switchblade and rip another dude’s throat out.

    Says Patel, “The whole concept is he’s like this caged animal, cornered. And real violence is messy, it’s primal. So I just wanted to get that kind of sweaty, gritty, with your hands [feel].” He pauses to allow a mirthless chuckle. “So if you’re in a compromising position, you gotta use your teeth.”

    Monkey Man takes a bite out of cinemas on Friday, April 5.

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #453

    A better link....

    GM Kam Yuen taught members of the Jackson 5:

    See pages 25-26


  4. #454

    Thomas Ian Griffith:

    This veteran actor has decades of experience with Tae Kwon Do. He may have been the first to introduce Asian empty hand combatives to the American soap opera scene during his time on "Another World". When other actors in the soap opera world were still throwing haymakers, he and the actor who played his brother were throwing kicks.

    Last edited by mickey; 05-02-2024 at 11:30 AM.

  5. #455
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    CA, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by mickey View Post
    GM Kam Yuen taught members of the Jackson 5:

    See pages 25-26


    Hey, mickey.

    Joe Jackson was a student of my Choy Lee Fut sifu in L.A. for awhile, back around 1970 or so. It was when The Jackson 5 were becoming red hot. My sifu didn’t like Joe Jackson. He always showed up to class wearing lots of expensive rings and other flashy jewelry, and Sifu said he always had to tell him to take it all off and put it into a basket before class. He knew that Joe Jackson wore all that to class to show off. He’d always play stupid, like he forgot to leave his jewelry at home. Sifu also said that Joe Jackson was a lazy student, and Sifu eventually kicked him out.

  6. #456
    Greetings Jimbo,

    Thank you for the share.


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