Training program 1: Artist Program

Warm ups
Little Idea Form
Hitting the sand bag
Single sticking hands
Lap sau
Rolling hands
Chum Kiu Form
Stepping while punching
Entry Drills
Freestyle Chi sau
Free style distance fighting (closing to chi sau to the ground)
Butterfly knife training
Fighting Butterfly knife vs the Pole or spear
Wooden Dummy training

Training program 2: Fighter Program

Push ups, sit-ups, jogging, weights
Shadow boxing
Punching and kicking the heavy bag
Hitting the speed bag
Do twelve 3 minute rounds of hitting the hand held pads
Get in a ring and spar with a few opponents who are better than yourself
On alternate days train grappling against superior opponents
Do competitive grappling
Once a week train on stick and knife fighting
Regularly train freestyle stick and knife fighting for quick reaction time

Training Program 3: A blend of both.