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Thread: When to hit

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    South Wales, UK

    When to hit

    I know this question is one that probably has plagued us all before, but i have to ask...

    for you to understand this situation i need to explain in detail so my apologies for the verbosity.

    Last Saturday I was walking home with a friend once the night club had shut. I was aware of 3 younger guys following us, stupidly we turned down into a lane as a shortcut home, something we usually do. Once in the lane the 3 guys confronted us, with absolutely no reason whatsoever, they were trying to pick a fight.

    The main guy (the initiator) came right up close to me. At this point I was concentrating on keeping all three in front of me, so it was necessary for me to back off a little. The guy stepped in closer still. I had my arms up in mun-sau / wu-sau but with the hands in such a way that looked less kung fu and more "calm down".

    He stepped in so close that he walked into my hands, which he then started trying to hit out of the way, to my amazement i could read these movements so well that my arms weren't there to hit by the time his hand reached them and also to my amazement i placed my hands on his face, just the same amount of contact i use in chi sau, at one point i had one hand behind his neck, aware i could easily lap and elbow/punch.

    My response to his goading was to just repeat the same thing over i.e "calm down", "not going to fight", "we're going home" etc. i still wasnt sure if he was going to attempt to hit me or not, so i was just in a constant state of readiness to hit.

    It became more serious when the initiator picked up a fluorescent tube light that was broken, it was very sharp. Without thinking i stepped up to him and held one hand lightly on his elbow at his side, so i could feel him move it, i also didnt want to give him room to swing, the close proximity felt more comfortable.

    At this point, one of the three realised how stupid the whole thing had got and tried to calm his mate down. Me and my mate started walking off, they still followed, shouting abuse, but i just kept shouting back "goodnight lads".

    Ok, phew, my question really is how do you judge when to hit someone or when to wait to see how it pans out? I was constantly prepared to strike, my brain working on overdrive to pick up on all the clues. After the situation, im always left with a feeling of "i wish i smacked the f*%!"*& w*!£*"s!!!!" but also relieved nothing violent happened. Are there signs and pointers to watch out for in situations like this? or is it best left to your own judgement at the time? So far i've walked away from every potential fight situation without one punch being thrown (touch wood), something im glad of, and i know a lot of people in my situation would have used violence, im wondering how to work out the best time for each.

    aaaaaaaaaaand relax
    Last edited by monkeyspoon; 12-14-2005 at 06:27 PM.

  2. #2


    You controlled the situation amd your "self" is unharmed!!
    Good enough results for that occasion.

    joy chaudhuri

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    Sounds to me like you handled this very well indeed.
    "Once you reject experience, and begin looking for the mysterious, then you are caught!" - Krishnamurti
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    "We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion" - Tool, Parabol/Parabola
    "Bro, you f***ed up a long time ago" - Kurt Osiander

    WC Academy BJJ/MMA Academy Surviving Violent Crime TCM Info
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Western NY, USA

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by anerlich
    Sounds to me like you handled this very well indeed.
    I couldn't agree more.

    Monkeyspoon, based on your account, you should probably be the one offering the rest of us advice on when to hit and when not to.

    - kj
    "It's all related." - me

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    the Temple
    originally posted by monkeyspoon
    Without thinking i stepped up to him and held one hand lightly on his elbow at his side, so i could feel him move it, i also didnt want to give him room to swing, the close proximity felt more comfortable.
    Excellent post, and from the sounds of it you have answered your own question you had assessed the situation thoroughly positioned yourself accordingly, applied the necessary force and were ready to strike to prevent injury to yourself.

    Well done
    Tony Jacobs

    ng doh luk mun fa kin kwan

    "...Therefore the truly great man dwells on what is real
    and not what is on the surface,
    On the fruit and not the flower.
    Therefore accept the one and reject the other. "

    World Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun Kung Fu Association
    Southern Shaolin Kung Fu Global Discussion Forum

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Great stuff.

    I have always tried to take the same approach. Well done for staying calm, adrenelin is my worst fear. I would say you handled it fine. In the end, every incident is completely different, it would be impossible to say when you should strike......

    well done though.....really


  7. #7
    you handled it well.

    The best advice I can give is to trust your instincts.
    And to read Sanford and Geoff Thompson their books
    to give some insights into your main question:
    "Are there signs and pointers to watch out for in
    situations like this?"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Hi Monkey spoon,

    Hows your training going, and how did the HK trip go??

    Sounds like you handled the situation well, i think i probably would have gone ballistic when the guy picked up the tube

    Ip Ching Ving Tsun in South Wales -

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    South Wales, UK
    thanks for the support everyone...

    just saw this same guy out again tonight, this time there was more of us, he didn't come up and say hello, pity that...ah well

    stuart, hong kong was more of an eye opener that i had anticipated, that and the following 11 or so months have been quite productive. i hope you and your students are well, merry christmas

  10. #10
    im surprised by the result of your actions - you handled the situation exceptionally well, but i personally believe if it had been me, i would not have taken any more chances.

    It's very easy for me to sit here and judge in retrospect, and seeings i have never been in a fight myself, it's even EASIER ...

    i would say if it was me, i probably would have taken matters into my own hands once my guard was up. I think what you did was fantastic, but if the people were REALLY wanting a fight then you might not have been so lucky.

    From what you've said, you sound like you were very calm and not 'high adrenaline' and getting all 'tunnel visioned'... you probably could have taught them all a very practical lesson

    The mentality at my school, it seems, is to not waste any time - i would think that if i were on the street and had my guard up against a would-be attacker, and he was trying to hit it out of the way - i would say that would be my personal 'cue' to end the situation as quickly and effectively as possible.

    that said.. thumbs up to your really mature, ego-less response


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