having read his articles, butr not the book, it seems evident that there was a lot of presumption and assumption made by teh author before going and getting into the reality.

when teh reality did not match the romantic view, there was a collapse in the view and a more negative connatation took place.

I think that at the root, this is human nature. It's like thinking you know someone, then finding out you really don't know them as well as you thought and then tossing the whole thing because it doesn't meet an image preformed in your mind and expectations.

Better to have that cup empty before putting anything in it.

Having said that, I like the gritty nature of his writing style, but it becomes clear that the author is already putting his methods above others without actually investing in the other way before making judgement.

It takes a while to really get to the meat and potatoes of any training regimen. When you let your old ways stand and don't fully open to a new way, that new way will never be comprehended fairly and even less so in a fuller nature.

Is shaolin accusable of being a greasy tourist pit? Yep, that factor is there. It is romantic presumption and false expectation that has created that. Had it been left alone for what it was, i am not sure thise would have occured in the fashion taht it has. Still, there is value in seeing what is and comparing it to what you think it was.