Oddly enough I don't begrudge Sin The' his model f teaching, or any desire to be paid for services rendered. Only in America, bastion of free market economics, is the tme of the teacher viewed as something that should be given for 'free.'

JP is a pretty honest guy - so I can't fault him. The issue one should consider is NOT the seminar structure, or the prerequisites (I have prerequisites in how I teach, how can't you?). The real question is "How does anyone develop any real skill this way" and "Does Sin The' have any real skill in these dozens of systems?"

He is probably a not bad Karate/modified CMA guy. But it's not CMA, and certainly not historic CMA - despite the claims of SD the traditional skills are still alive in China, despite the rise of modern wushu. The SD we've al seen, even from Sin The' is laughable when compared to say, any of the orthodox Preying Mantis schools, or god help us, IMA.

If it wasn't for the wild claims and the goofy patches, they would probably be left alone.

I've met some SD experts. I really didn't think much of thie skills. The 'Qin Na' skills were JMA. The training methods and strategies were JMA. The forms were... silly CMA. But boy, they were in GREAT shape.

Well you can't judge a system entirelly by a few meet n' greets, but where there is smoke...