A lady friend of mine called me up tonight and told me she had joined a cardio kickboxing class. So I asked her where it was held, and she said some karate school. I asked what style it was, and she was like..."I don't know...jiu jitsu maybe?". I asked her if it was Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu and she said "yeah, I think so". So instantly I went down to check it out.

Sure enough it was a multi-purpose facility, which offers kickboxing/ strength training, and Israeli Self-Defense. I talked with the owner, it's not Krav Maga, and I can't remember off the top of my head the style, and I don't feel like looking it up right now.

Anyways, they do offer BJJ classes, which are taught by a pretty well respected Brown Belt, who I've been trying to find since the place he used to teach at he wasn't teaching at anymore...plus he was a purple belt at the time.

This is all very cool about the BJJ, as it's traditional (as in just BJJ), and the guy told me that since they were doing all gi, alot of people were going elsewhere, so they are going to incorporate non-gi classes.

As those of us around here know, there isn't much in the way of just one style, except the most popular (ie: Tae Kwan Do, Hapkido...etc).

But to make this even sweeter....and SevenStar will definitely appreciate this one...a boxing gym is going up right nextdoor, being opened up, owned and ran by none other than Jesse James Leija. So excellent BJJ, and a boxing gym run by a world reknown fighter, side by side.

There is a dance studio on the other side of the parking lot too. They are pretty much building a fighting and fitness complex/strip mall.

For those locals, it is across from Blossom Athletic Complex at Jones Maltsberger and Nacoma.