Zi Zeng - Taoyou

Thank you for replying. I know a set that is contributed to Chang san Feng, called the "San Feng Tai Chi". I do not know much about it. As a favor to my teacher I learned it from an old Taoists disciple in the late 80's. Really long form, seems that it has a mix of Pau Kua, Hsin yi, Yang and Chen styles.
I also am a lineage holder to a system from the Pei Chi Pai and an older style of Kungfu which did not originate from the Pei Chi Pai, but is considered to be re-born there.
I am actually very interested what you have learned and what styles that you may know from WuTang Pai.
Are you a Taoist, or laymen?
You are right, here in the west people think much of our Kungfu and practices are folk lore and legend. The styles that do exist and are taught openly are usually made up forms from bits and pieces of traditional and not so traditional kungfu.

Thank you very much for taking the time to reply
