I was gifted some of these by the monks that attended the 2023 TCEC. They are awesome. Some of the best cough drops I've ever had. Decent taste, a tad Chinese medicine-y but not obnoxiously so, and highly effective. I shared them with several medics that I was working with at a Jazz Festival, only one of whom had any experience with Chinese cough remedies, and they all agreed.

I must get more of these...

Shaolin Glycyrrhiza and Platycodinin Candy
Publish Date:2021-07-24 Font Size: Big Middle Small
Product Information

Product Name: Shaolin Glycyrrhiza and Platycodinin Candy

Product Specification: Net content 40g 16 pieces/ box

Storage: Store in a cool dry place

Validity: 24 months

Formula: White granulated sugar, starch syrup, Glycyrrhiza, Platycodon grandiflorus, Lonicera japonica, Sterculia lychnophora, Houttuynia cordata, honey and so on.

Efficacy: Relieve sore throat and have dietary function for throat’ s excessive phlegm, dry itchy, sore and other symptoms.