Sifu Chan liked Laurette because he had studied a very real kung fu system (7 star) for a very long time. He didn't have to explain a horse stance, he didn't have to teach him how to throw a punch. Sifu Chan was like that, he liked to work with guys who already had skills. He would of course take money from any one who had it, he made his living from teaching. But the reality was also that if you studied with him and were clueless, you often got quite jerked around. And Chan Tai San knew your story in 5 minutes or less, the first few movements and he pegged you, worthy student or just rice bag...

Steve Ventura and I were also not exactly clueless beginners. We were both already intructor level in Hung ga (I had 6 years of training I think at the time, Ventura close to 10). Ventura had trained with teh Beijing Wushu Team in Beijing already, and was a champion forms player. We were also black belts in TKD and Hapkido. I'd done mantis, dragon, some white crane, shuai jiao, etc...

I think in 5 minutes everyone knew what the deal was. Ventura and I realized we had just stumbled upon something unique. Sifu Chan started showing us moves just to see if we could do them. Then we started talking applications.... the rest was really just history....