( This in no way is a troll job true story ) I work in coroporate security for a major retailer in Miami Florida I wont specify who for obvious reasons. On this particular day we where on alert for a credit card fraud ring of thieves that had been charging up fraudulent accounts using peoples identities real scumbags. Well one of the males walked into a store and charged $500.00 dollars on a fraud card we just happened to be at the store while it was happening the male was approx 6"0 about 180 lbs. We ran up front ( letting the transaction go through) and the male was exiting the building. I was the first to arrive so I approached the male and identified myself he took off running and I pursued he jumped over some hedges and tripped faceplanting the street!! his buddies in the getaway car took off when all four of us came out. I then kneed him in the face while he was getting up ( I know not a standard apprehension technique but my adrenaline was pumping) he was so bent on getting away he sprang up and took a swing at me i slipped the punch and shot in for a takedown we fell on the concrete ( boy did that suck) and he ended up in my guard i slapped a guillotine choke on him he popped out my partner handcuffed one hand so i figured what the hell I slapped him in a triangle he powered out again a crowd started forming and he gave up the whole thing lasted like 30 sec it felt like 10 min we handcuffed him and when the cops got there and ran his name he had warrants for his arrest for assault on an officer. Sorry for the long story but the moral of the story train in all aspects of combat you never know when youll use it.