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Thread: Jason Putman

  1. #61

    re moi

    As Judge Pen would know Lawyers are like wild animals and are not affixed to the land even if someone shoots one on one estate and they then run for the ajoining property line. (Okay maybe thats not a great example) As some of you know by now Bullshido is running a parallel investigation into this matter which can be viewed at

    Personally I think the more investigation the better, as long as the people doing so can be confirmed not to be Mr. Bannon or Mr. Putman. (There is a lot of circular verification going on here, that Bannon can confirm Wolper and Wolper can confirm Bannon does not mean that either's claims were correctly established from the start). I would like to see Bannon and Putman post their replies on both forums but if they will only post here I will travel over here. BTW I'm going to copy CFW's most recent post and stick it on Bullshido, its quite good.
    Last edited by Samuel Browning; 06-03-2004 at 03:02 PM.

  2. #62
    Stacey Guest
    Attn Gene Ching:

    We did fight under a bridge. It was amazingly easy. You were very drunk and in a sleeping bag.....wait...if that wasn't you...oh crap.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Perth, Australia

    Mr Browning:

    I've been following this investigation with much interest, and just wanted to give you kudos, as they say. Sterling work, and I am much of the mind that it is a very nice thing to see the growing trend for serious investigation and scholarly discourse in the martial arts that seems to be occurring these days.

    I've made mention of the current controversy and investigation on my site. It's really about all I can do to support, as I am not able to participate actively in your investigation (I'm in the wrong part of the world, for one thing) but I feel that the more coverage and exposure such things get the greater their positive impact.

    I look forward to watching the investigation as it develops further.

    Kudos also to Gene for his support of openness in such a situation, and for being a willing participant. Shows journalistic integrity, a thing that has for many years appeared sorely lacking in much of martial arts journalism (and increasingly so in much other journalism).

    Keep up the good work, all.

    -A hundred enemies, a hundred cups of wine. Infinite enemies, infinite wine.-

  4. #64

    thanks Geoff

    Thank you for you're kind words Geoff, but I have to say that such thanks are premature, I envision at least another four months of poking around into Bannon's story. it will be a tedious crawl, since I'm trying to work across continents to confirm or deny little parts of his story. Ironically if Putnam would just tell me in which Florida town the wonderland police raid happened, I could theoretically confirm about 20% of Bannon's book. And no I would not try to interview "Annie" the child victim who was rescued by the raid. The police are the best source to what happened there.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Perth, Australia
    I understand that such things take time. A real investigation doesn't happen overnight. I hope therefore that people will continue to support you in your efforts. It may make things a little less wearisome, make it a little easier to continue the pursuit of the investigation.

    -A hundred enemies, a hundred cups of wine. Infinite enemies, infinite wine.-

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    research, research, research

    Goldenmane - Thanks for the props. To be honest, part of my motivation for running the article was in hopes that this would inspire an investigation like this. Like I said before, I'm pretty skeptical myself. Sometimes as a publisher, we put stuff out in order to stimulate inquiry - I wouldn't go so far to say this is scholarly, but I'm all about serious investigation. Unfortunately, our resources are somewhat limited (but our forum is unlimited - thanks to the web)

    Samuel Browning - Are you in dialog with Mr. Putnam? He's usually pretty good about email, or at least he has been with me.

    Stacey - I was in the next sleeping bag
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #67
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Southeaster United States

    Thank you again

    Kungfu Forum:

    Thank you again for reading "Kungfu Secret Agent" and offering your comments and insights.

    As a feature story for a popular magazine, the article was designed to inform, not to convince. The material was not presented as a research paper nor as a technical analysis of combat tactics. To those who enjoyed the brief article, thank you; to those who did not enjoy it, there are many worthy articles in Kungfu Magazine.

    Below is an exchange from one "Samuel Browning." Mr. "Browning" is a member of this forum and presents himself as an attorney. During our brief correspondence, Mr. "Browning" did not display verifiable credentials and a legitimate professional interest, and without a consultation agreement, I am unable to offer him more of my time.

    Indeed, it is difficult to offer this response to an anonymous writer who does not even provide the courtesy of an email answer to my letter, instead choosing the ethically dubious option of posting said correspondence in a public forum. I herein follow his preferred method of communication.

    To others who are kindly interested in my work, please understand that there are many calls upon my time in activities that help pay my bills.

    Please also understand that confidential sources are the very real means of my livelihood and are not volunteered easily to idle curiosity. It took a year to identify which names and places in Bannon's account were changed to protect innocent victims--Bannon plainly discusses the reasons for these changes in the beginning of his book.

    Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that a number of the names and places identified in the book are pseudonyms, which pseudonymous identifiers I respectfully retained in my article after verification. No respectable journalist would divulge such verification to any but his publisher, for the reasons that follow.

    Please allow me to offer an analogy that may explain why it might be difficult for those untrained in intelligence community investigative reportage to repeat these findings:

    Please consider that it would be ludicrous for me to walk into a respected school and attempt to reproduce techniques mastered by kungfu practitioners who have studied for years. I respectfully request that you consider that it may be equally difficult for anyone without the proper contacts and years of experience to reproduce a professional journalist's research.

    Contacts in the intelligence community, in particular, must be carefully nurtured and not spuriously distributed to any unverified email writer without compelling professional reasons. This is why I request such professional credentials from anyone who contacts me. As this is my living, I follow the example of other investigative reporters: It is rare that any in our profession offer confidential materials to anyone other than our publishers (and their vetting attorneys), who are under an equal ethical restraint against releasing them to those who offer no compelling professional interest with verifiable credentials.

    I addressed the issue of verification previously and stand by my statements. That Mr. "Browning" is unable to duplicate the research (past pseudonyms and places) of a trained professional is surely not my concern.

    I copy the correspondence with Mr. "Browning" as an example of how NOT to get a busy professional's assistance in research efforts.

    As I suggested to Mr. (or Ms.) "Browning" in my final note below: "It seems clear that this project is important to you. However, for me the article was merely a small feature story written months ago. Currently, my schedule is filled with more pressing concerns."

    To those of the forum who have behaved with the courtesy and firm resolve I have come to expect from practitioners of the martial arts, please accept my genuine thanks for your valuable time.

    Jason Putman

    ---Samuel Browning Original Message 5/27/04---

    Re: Some Questions about David Bannon's Account

    Dear Mr. Putman:

    My name is Samuel Browning and I am writing because I am very skeptical about Mr. Bannon's claims and thought you could provide some additional information that I could use to confirm parts on his account. In his book Bannon claimed on on August 30, 1998 that he was part of a "Wonderland Club" police and Interpol raid in which multiple suspects were killed. I have done a nexus/lexis search of florida newspapers from August and September and have found that there were only two "Wonderland Club" raids in Florida and one was in Jacksonville Florida and the other was in Miami Florida. No deaths were reported from either raid. Since this was an overt law enforcement operation rather than a covert hit, the existance of deaths would have been publically revealed. Could you please tell me in which town or city in which this raid occurred so I can contact the local authorities and confirm that this incident actually happened?

    I've also called the New Orleans Police Department and they told me that they do not have a New Orleans Police Officer named Thomas Parker. Can you please tell me which command he works out of so I can contact him through an official NOPD number?

    Finally could you please tell me the date and city in which Jacques Defferre was killed so I can confirm his death?

    Thank you for your time.

    Samuel Browning

    ---Jason Putman Response 5/28/04 (resent by request on 6/01/04)---

    Samuel Browning

    Re: Samuel Browning Consultation Agreement

    Dear Mr. Browning:

    Thank you for your letter. As a matter of policy, I do not discuss confidential material without first entering into a consultation agreement. May I ask if your interest is personal or professional?

    If professional, please provide your full contact information (name, title, organization name, physical address, contact numbers) and verifiable credentials relevant to your profession (e.g. certifications, degrees, licenses, etc.).

    After confirming your verifiable credentials and a legitimate professional interest, we can further discuss your relevant project and how I may assist you. At that time, I will be pleased to provide my full contact information and an overview of services and consultation fees. The terms of the fees are based on:

    1. Hourly rate
    2. Out-of-pocket expense
    3. Specific task(s) assigned
    4. Consultation Agreement terms

    Thank you again and I look forward to discussing your project soon.

    Jason Putman

    ---Samuel Browning Response 5/28/04---

    As Mr. Putnam requested in his post I first e-mailed him some questions and he then mailed me back what was described in its title as a consultancy agreement and which I promptly erased by accident. Since I don't wish to pay Mr. Putnam so that he can answer questions...

    ---Jason Putman Response 6/01/04---

    Samuel Browning

    Mr. Browning:

    Thank you for your posted response.

    It seems clear that this project is important to you. However, for me the article was merely a small feature story written months ago. Currently, my schedule is filled with more pressing concerns.

    As you have not displayed verifiable credentials and a legitimate professional interest, and without a consultation agreement, I regret that I can offer you no more of my time.

    Best of luck,

    Jason Putman
    Last edited by JasonPutman; 06-01-2004 at 04:23 PM.
    Jason Putman

  8. #68
    "Idle Curiosity"?

    I think just about everyone here understands that this is more than "idle curiosity". We're trying to find out if there is any truth behind such dubious claims that seem to be little more than dime-store fiction.

    "Please allow me to offer an analogy that may explain why it might be difficult for those untrained in intelligence community investigative reportage..."

    What are YOUR credentials. They aren't listed on your website. And since you're not a secret agent yourself, I don't think there should be a problem listing them.

    For example, having served in a military intelligence unit, I know for a fact that people don't just up and speak to reporters or starving writers. In fact, they're specifically instructed not to do so.

    And what is dubious about discussing this issue in a public forum? After all, you're a 'reporter' aren't you? The public has a right to know whether Interpol is running around killing people, or if this guy is just a modern Walter Mitty.

  9. #69

    Sound like a cop out.

    If professional, please provide your full contact information (name, title, organization name, physical address, contact numbers) and verifiable credentials relevant to your profession (e.g. certifications, degrees, licenses, etc.).
    I think that is fair and should be provided to a trusted third party.

    Jason, here's the problem as I see it. You've told a story as truth, but you can't offer anyway for this true story to be verified. Bannon has come out of the shadows so to speak, told his story about something that may be a huge horror, but now you're saying that names and places may be changed. So we're stuck with not knowing if Bannon is for real or if the child slave trade is real or if you are for real.

    Please consider that it would be ludicrous for me to walk into a respected school and attempt to reproduce techniques mastered by kungfu practitioners who have studied for years. I respectfully request that you consider that it may be equally difficult for anyone without the proper contacts and years of experience to reproduce a professional journalist's research.
    Oddly enough you can't reproduce it either, you want us to just take your word. I'm sure if you gave some small facts such as dates and places someone here might be able to find trace evidence for your stories without blowing anyones legend.
    I quit after getting my first black belt because the school I was a part of was in the process of lowering their standards A painfully honest KC Elbows

    The crap that many schools do is not the crap I was taught or train in or teach.

    Dam nit... it made sense when it was running through my head.


    People love Iron Crotch. They can't get enough Iron Crotch. We all ride the Iron Crotch for the exposure. Gene

    Find the safety flaw in the training. Rory Miller.

  10. #70

    Mr. Putman dodges the issue.

    Mr. Putman has asserted that he did not reply to my letter because I did not provide professional credentials. This is simply a red herring since his letter states "As a matter of policy I do not discuss confidential material without first entering into a consultation agreement" Since I am not being paid for looking into this matter, my interest was not professional. I wrote him because he invited the curious from this boad to do so, and therefore I did not send him an email with my credentials which are as follows.

    My Connecticut Law License is Juris number, #417779 and my status as an attorney can be checked my calling the Statewide Grievance Committee in Hartford Connecticut (Area code 860) which keeps records of all attorneys licensed to practice law in the state of Connecticut. It will be listed under Samuel Pearce Browning. My professional mailing address is 671 Scotland Rd, Norwich Ct, 06360.

    If you wish to be adventurous please call the University of Connecticut School of Law in Hartford Connecticut and ask the alumni office if I indeed did graduate from there with a J.D. in 1998.

    For my Masters Degree in Forensic Science/Advanced Investigation, please call the University of New Haven in West Haven, Connecticut, my graduation date from this instiitution was January, 2004.

    Now lets move on to the issue of claiming that you did not want to answer my questions because they would in essence expose confidential sources. My questions did not require this because it was Mr. Bannon who insisted on identifying that he was involved in a perfectly legal "Wonderland club" police raid in Florida on August 30, 1998 that you said resulted the death of four criminals who were involved in the sexual assault on a little girl.

    A quick forensic comment, when someone dies in a police raid in Florida they fall under the jurisdiction of the district medical examiner and will receive an official death certificate memorializing their cause of death and a free autopsy. You tell me the town, and I'll pull their paperwork, If you can't do that, then the credibility of your account circles the drain. And you don't have to give up a single secret source, what could be better then that?

    Similarly I asked for the place of death of Jacques Defferre so I could also confirm the manner of his death. Both you and Bannon use his name throughout your public works and have not previously indicated that it is a pseudonym. You even feature a picture of him in your article, if you were attempting to protect his identity you had a strange way of doing so. I even asked you for the names of the Federal appallate cases Bannon has been acting as a witness, since such cases have files accessible to the public. But you don't seem to be able to help your case even here.

    "Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that a number of the names and places identified in the book are pseudonyms, which pseudonymous identifiers I respectfully retained in my article after verification. No respectable journalist would divulge such verification to any but his publisher"

    If Thomas Parker was a pseudonym for a New Orleans Police Officer this should have been indicated in the article or through the footnote you gave his account. (number 26) Since there were no "Wonderland Club" raids in New Orleans we are left with the presumption that 1) No New Orleans Police Officer or person of this name observed the raid you credit to him. I understand the use of a clearly marked pseudonym, but an uncredited fake name and fake discriptive information? What sort of writer are you Mr. Putnam? BTW I got my information on the lack of a Mr. Parker by calling the personel division of "his" department. Can you provide me with his badge number to prove his existance?

    Finally you write:

    "As a feature story for a popular magazine, the article was designed to inform, not to convince. The material was not presented as a research paper"

    This is why you provided 42 footnotes to this article, some quite lengthy to convince the reader of its reliability yet you can't provide or support basic, important, facts in Bannon's story.

    I hope you can offer better proof of you're and Mr. Bannon's claims. Whether you wish to acknowledge this or not, by endorsing his story you have tied your credibility to his, and his claims will be vigorously investigated over the next several months.

    Samuel Pearce Browning Esq
    Last edited by Samuel Browning; 06-03-2004 at 03:06 PM.

  11. #71
    Washington Post Ariticle on Wonderland Club Raid Lists the cities of the rainds.
    I quit after getting my first black belt because the school I was a part of was in the process of lowering their standards A painfully honest KC Elbows

    The crap that many schools do is not the crap I was taught or train in or teach.

    Dam nit... it made sense when it was running through my head.


    People love Iron Crotch. They can't get enough Iron Crotch. We all ride the Iron Crotch for the exposure. Gene

    Find the safety flaw in the training. Rory Miller.

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    He's also failed to explain the existence of the dubious website for his academic co-author Chiu Hse Yu, which just seems to be a copy of the official Singapore Management University page for Chiu Hse Yu.

    Compare them:

    The article that he "co-authored" with Chiu Hse Yu for the Western Libertarian Alliance contains incorrect details for his co-author which he repeats on his own homepage ( ). She is a Lecturer in Law at the Singapore Management University NOT the National University of Singapore.

    Also, the Western Libertarian Alliance article just appears in a newsletter containing articles that don't exactly seem to be peer reviewed in any way.

    Does this not call into question the thoroughness of his research? If he can't even get the details of his co-author right, how can we even imagine that he has successfully verified the identities of shadowy figures from the world of international espionage?
    Last edited by CFT; 06-02-2004 at 02:23 AM.

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Augusta, GA
    Thank you Mr Putman for responding to this thread.

    Can you at least explain one issue that I am now pretty certain is false. The incident in the Wonderland Raid has to be a work of fiction. I am from Miami. I hold a govment clearnce as an active duty soldier. I have two family members who were part of the Broward County Sheriffs Department at the time of the raids. Plus I have contacted CID agents stationed in FL. All have confirmed no deaths were reported in conjunction with the raids.

    It leads me to believe if that story is false, unless you can provide information saying gother wise, then the rest of the book is suspect .

    If you are worried about my credintials or my claims of security clearance you can PM and I will give you my info to verify.
    Xiao Ao Jiang Hu Zhi Dong Fang Bu Bai (Laughing Proud Warrior Invincible Asia) Emperor of Baji!!!

    (Spellcheck by Chang Style Novice!)

  14. #74
    BAH! C'mon Asia! Can't you see they were obviously being intimidated by Interpol into covering up the deaths (unless your family members and the CID agents are in on it too!! )!
    Slips through fingers
    Like this world of dust

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Manchester, Britain.
    Well that was a beautiful sight to behold.... Mr Putman.... Its pretty obvious where you are coming from you are full of it my friend.

    Well done to Sam, and also Asia's input have certainly put a massive question mark over this story......I am looking forward to seeing the results of Sam's investigation in the coming months.

    All I can say is I sincerely wish we had more peeps like the lads at Bullshido in MA.... Keep up the good work.

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