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Thread: Women are weak and slow.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Reno, Nv, USA

    Women are weak and slow.

    Opinions on whats important when teaching women's self-defense?


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Warrenville Il

    Huh, and you call yourself a FMA man, please.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    WRC Groupie
    Haha and cheap shots..
    Aim for the throat and eyes, and always attack the groin after the throat or eyes a strike!
    "Don't Focus on the Fingers or You will miss all the Heavenly Glory!"

    Morbicid-"Maybe some moves are made just so that, if u somehow manage to pull them off in a fight, u get some serious bragging rights.

    Many famous fighters have done this (roy jones jr, chuck norris, Morbicid, etc)"

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Where ever I Am; today, West Virginia, US of A, NA, N of EUdMexico
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    Explaining movement with force as sports coordination might not have been there's and their physical activities/understandings might have been limited.

    Also, what one called TonyM. said. My version though, Not female nor male (to a range), new/no gender: S t u d e n t.
    There are four lights...ž impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    "ie. not training them any differently than men."

    Thats just it though, they are different than men. Very different, and their training should compensate for the differences. You wouldnt train a dude with 1 arm the same as everyone else right? (Im sure to an extent, but some personal catering would be required)
    "In choosing your dwelling, know how to keep to the ground.
    In cultivating your mind, know how to dive in the hidden depths.
    In dealing with others, know how to be gentle and kind.
    In speaking, know how to keep your words.
    In governing, know how to maintain order.
    In transacting business, know how to be efficient.
    In making a move, know how to choose the right moment.
    If you do not strive with others, you will be free from blame."
    -Lao Tzu, Tao Teh Ching
    An eye for an eye leaves the world blind.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Eugene, OR
    Better not say that around any of the women in my class! It's funny because for some random reason or other I was thinking about the people in my class I would not want to tangle with on the street.

    First and formost is my Sensei of course, but for some reason, the really big muscular guys in my school aren't all that threatening. Now I'm no weak little kitten myself, but I realized what makes me a more aggressive fighter than most of the other students in my dojo (despite the fact I've been training there a little less than a year) is killer instinct. I'm willing to put the hurt on when things get ugly, and many of the others in my class are not.

    So anyway, back to the original subject, the two regular students I would least like to tangle with in real life are both women. One of 'em's about 5'10 and probably 180 pounds of big boned, athletic meaness, and the other's a fifty year old, tall, lean, amazon who looks like she'd make an Australian Footballer cry mercy in a wrestlin' match.

    Physically, they're you'd think they wouldn't stand a chance against a man, but I have no doubt that either'd kill me with relish if I tried to mug, abuse, or otherwise molest her. These ladies are MEAN, and they're fighters to the core.

    I have nothing but respect for these female warriors, and they are certainly worthy role models for the junior students, male and female alike.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Where ever I Am; today, West Virginia, US of A, NA, N of EUdMexico
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    "Thats just it though, they are different than men. Very different, and their training should compensate for the differences."

    I think that we are using different gauges. I go by percentages, not volume. If a student had a sore chest, I Would take that into consideration but as a student Not a Female. Not every male can support their lower bodies when doing push-ups either. I might have to tell a woman to ease off the training when she tries to prove herself or prove (stereotypically) she's "as good as a man".

    I might have to ask a Male student to ease off training when He tries to prove Himself to be as good as a Fit Man.

    I am perhaps comprehending situations with ability and Will as individual, Not sexual (gender-based). While Females stereotypically might have types of situations males stereotypically wouldn't; and Perhaps Males stereotypically, might have situations Females stereotypically wouldn't; Peoples tend to have situations and deal with them as others with those Same situations or the such.

    If there is compensation for differences It is with Me to compensate for My lack of understanding of Humans. Not of either gender. Understanding one gender does not seem to explain the other. And what I understand of either, might be spot-on or miniscule. And I can't know it as Absolute because it happens universally for All my related experiences, because Without Knowing And Having Known, Every person in existance it's not a sound Law. Merely Theory, if not hypothesis.

    Years ago I was Absolute in my concept of male and female dog urinating procedures. Males lifted their hind leg. Females spread and push down and slightly forward.

    I noticed a male dog that regularly spread and pushed perhaps slightly forward. I also noticed a female dog which occasionally lifted her hind leg.

    It could be a universal urine thing where-by one urinates appropriate to happenstance. Humans just learn there is only one way and miss the natural variety by being Taught or Learning From those who came before. When your urine volume is low, lifting the hind leg might adjust the urinary bladder to relieve the pressure of volume at the exit place. The lessening of which allows passage of the lower volumes of the liquid to pass through (it's pressure related), some might think.

    Perhaps they learned by early life exposure to the ways of the opposite gender as "how I am to".

    " You wouldnt train a dude with 1 arm the same as everyone else right? (Im sure to an extent, but some personal catering would be required)"

    Actually I hope that I would more than in general. Several Chinese Kung-Fu forms With wich I have been exposed seem to use both arms and cross the centerline. I would have them do the formand merely not expect to see the parts requiring the other hand.

    I Might later Make at least two forms that filled in the gap of the missing arm moves. One using that form's techniques compensating for the missing left limb. One using that form's thechniques compensating for the missing right limb.

    Yet there are different lengths of missing limb. And I would start by them doing the form by wrote (It was written to vary with ability of body and of understanding). All the while pointing out the places the partial limb was useful (if not exact original limb intention~). And where, the range of how the whole limb would be used. A person with enough partial limb would not get a limb absence compesated form.

    And Even with a partial limb or No (one), missing limb--arm. That person could go on to be an instructor because though not having that limb they have the comprehension to get someone to learn the forms and their intent and usefulnesses and where not to use it, well.

    A person missing an arm would under my tutelage do push-ups too (with feet together eventually):-).

    Whatever category of whatever you put me in for whatever, Shaolin-Do.

    Perhaps some-such, some might say. Whatever whatever. Very good.
    There are four lights...ž impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Train them realistically! Do not give them a false sense of security,teach them honestly and make the training fun.

    If they are timid you have to make them more aggressive.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Eugene, OR
    Train them realistically! Do not give them a false sense of security,teach them honestly and make the training fun.

    If they are timid you have to make them more aggressive.
    The same goes for men too.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Right here!
    Yes, women to need specialised training.

    Not because of strength or size differences, but because their clothing differs from mens and because they got a different sense of what is appropriate and what is not.

    Always love at the SD-classes that put the ladies in keiko-gi's and train them, after class the same ladies dress in skirts, high-heels, etc.

    The techs look good in the class, ever tried to do a spinning kick in high heels and a skirt that is tight around the knees?

    Women are also less likely to let a stranger come in close than a man, OTOH, the can use some soft tissues to distract a male attacker.

    Women need different training as their environment(clothes, handbags, etc) and mental state and mindset is different from men.

    Kung Fu and SD are seperate things, yes, KF can be adjusted for SD purpose.
    Training KF alone won't make you a capable/trained SD person.

    Just my opinion naturally.

  11. Thumbs up Dog physiology.

    "Years ago I was Absolute in my concept of male and female dog urinating procedures. Males lifted their hind leg. Females spread and push down and slightly forward.

    I noticed a male dog that regularly spread and pushed perhaps slightly forward. I also noticed a female dog which occasionally lifted her hind leg."

    Females sometimes lift their leg too (Iīve heard that roughly every fourth one may do,but I donīt know of any research).

    As for "Absolute in...concept".Males will keep urinating LIKE females if they are castrated very early in life (in a few months since birth).Indicating hormonal/genetic link.

    "Opinions on whats important when teaching women's self-defense?"

    I donīt know.
    The sunsetīs setting down.Lay me on the forest floor.

    I do not necessarily stand behind all of the statements I have made in the past, in this forum. Some of the statements may have appeared to support a biased view of reality, and may have been offensive. If you are a moral person and were hurt by comments that I made, you can PM me about it and I will apologize if I find your cause reasonable.
    -FC, summer of 2006-

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Jook Lum

    I meant men too,with men it is a given. With women some teachers tend to think they have to make the training easier for a women and water it down to be less aggressive thinking it will
    make the women feel more comfortable.

    So the women feels good when she leaves the class, but does nothing for the reality of an attack.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Jook Lum

    Now i will be under attack from any feminist on this board!

    So be it ,bring it on.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    The Promised Land

    Re: Women are weak and slow.

    Originally posted by yenhoi
    Opinions on whats important when teaching women's self-defense?

    Two quick statistics from the DoJ:
    >Around 80% of all reported sexual assaults are perpetrated by someone the victim already has a relationship with.
    >6 in 10 sexual assaults are committed in the victim's own home, or the home of an aquaintance.

    Since the majority of women's self-defense programs teach "stranger-assault" prevention, they pretty much miss the entire realilty of the issue. Also, most women's self-defense programs completely skate the issue of domestic violence and relationship abuse.

    Therefore, in answer to your question, what's most important is teaching relationship management. Any martial arts training is done as a physical reinforcement to the psychological mind-setting.
    Last edited by Watchman; 10-01-2003 at 12:55 AM.
    "Not to tire of learning is wisdom; not to weary of teaching is benevolence." -- Tzu-kung

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Reno, Nv, USA
    Watchman: agreed. Ryu has excellent threads and posts on this subject, for anyone who is interested.

    My thoughts are that you dont teach men and women different -as far as "self-defense" goes all physical-martial training should be designed with the smaller-weaker person in mind. If a smaller-weaker woman cant pull it off vs a bigger-stronger person, then I dont see how training it to men does any good for them. And on that note, I dont see the value of any "self-defense" training that does not focus on weapons, specifically bladed ones.


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