Some of you might find this wire interesting.
(Guangchow Station: Sept. 24th wire)
Last night a 8 pm, the long-awaited professional tournament between the national Chinese Kung Fu team and the Tai Boxing team finally took place at the Canton Gymnasium. A fter 7 rounds, and close to 3 hrs. of intense competition, the Chinese national team won over the Thai team by a score of 5:2.
The participants of this professional competition were selected from the best members of both Chinese and Thai teams. The Chine se team was represented by 5 national san-shou champions, while the Thai team was led by its professional champion " Golden Belt" winnner. The Thai team was further made of 3 other "Golden Belt" winners. Both sides gave their best in the competitions culminating in the final round when the Chinese team member threw the Thai member outside the ring.ˇ

[This message was edited by r.(shaolin) on 10-02-01 at 12:44 PM.]