
Yes, we learn the names of movements in the forms. Like "kicking up dust" "suppress the earth""monk carries the pole""cannon mounted on a beam" and so on. It can be confusing to learn the names with the form.

We practice individual "hand techniques", but I have never heard it called "18 hands". Maybe I am not advanced enough in the system.

I have learned Tan Tui, Lien Bu, Darn Dao, Duan Da Chuan, king of nine provinces staff,Mei Hua chuan (with every set the original sets seem smaller)

I have not heard them numbered before like that.

My staff set is out of order for us, normally it is Sil Lum Gunn, or "shaolin staff", which I have been told is fairly common to the style.

I have a web page with my notes on it, but I think it is fairly incomplete, as I am only a junior student. ;) and I would like to get better information on it before making it available to the world.

I really appreciate the history lessons being posted lately in this and other forums. Especially the history of the forms from the Hung Ga practitioners and northern shaolin people.

Heh, I think I answered some of your questions.

Just some more pennies from a pig
