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Thread: chi pills

  1. #1
    Stacey Guest

    chi pills

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Boston, Massachusetts
    This specific formula is designed to help mobilize and remove plaque deposits, which can lead to “hardening of the arteries."

    Interesting. These pills seem to do the same as Goldenseal pills, you can buy at GNC. they have some fancy herbs listed on the page too which I'm not familiar with, maybe someone in TCM thread would be.

    These pills probably wouldnt do any damage, but probably wouldnt give you terrific benefits either. Its probably like taking protein...most of the results come from your mind.
    Waves roughen the sea and windmill turn because of the wind. Take away the wind and the sea becomes calm and the windmills come to rest. For every effect there is a cause.

  3. #3
    Stacey Guest
    no.....Ive been on them for a while now. They are way better than GNC herbs....higher quality and a better formula that wasn't available to the public.

    It was just another thing that gave traveling fighter a winning edge.

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